编号 81990337

5 天珠 (40mm) - 龙天珠,双虎牙,3/6/9 眼 - 僧人加持 + 书法- 62 g
€ 53

5 天珠 (40mm) - 龙天珠,双虎牙,3/6/9 眼 - 僧人加持 + 书法- 62 g

CEREMONY FERBUARY 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPDCg_XnSrA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". >>>CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4 >>>CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------DRAGON DZI---------- >>> Bead Dzi DRAGON has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities. >>>Dragons are mythical and magical creatures, which, according to legend, can be a source of life and life forms. Dzi dragon bead helps to combine the three most important components of life: body, mind and soul into a single harmonious organism. Such an association gives the owner of this Dzi good bodily health, good luck and success in business, and great spiritual strength. -----Description and Application of Dzi Dragon Beads----- >>>On the bead of Dzi dragon the image of the dragon is drawn as it is represented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions. In Tibet, dragons are considered the highest beings in the hierarchy of the animal world. She is the strongest in physical terms, the smartest and most powerful spiritually and magically. >>>All dragons possess alchemy and can breathe fire and do magic. Dragons are masters of materializing various objects, including living things. They masterfully master magic, creating magical things and themselves live in a magical world. Dragons bring magic in all its forms to the life of the owner of the bead Dzi dragon. Dragons live in all dimensions from Earth to heaven. When they are on Earth, they tend to live in large underground caves where they live, store their treasures and move around quietly. The underground level represents our subconscious. Therefore, the bead Dzi dragon helps its owner to reveal the secrets of his subconscious. -----Conclusion----- >>>Dzi Dragon Bead is a great mascot for men. It helps to gain both physical and spiritual strength. Wearing this bead helps to cope with difficulties in life and at work. It helps to overcome both external enemies in the form of competitors and ill-wishers, as well as internal enemies, which until now have been hiding in our subconscious. >>>Dzi dragon bead helps to achieve the integrity of the body, mind and spirit. This is great Dzi for those who strive to be a leader and for those who just want to become more confident and active in life. ----------DOUBLE TIGER TOOTH---------- >>> The Dzi bead Tiger Tooth gives its owner willpower and tenacity. This bead helps to focus and realize personal aspirations. This Dzi helps to overcome fears and instills confidence and strength, so that you can bravely go through any difficulties and obstacles in life. >>> In addition, the Dzi tiger bead is a great helper that provides reliable protection. This Dzi blocks and makes negative energy directed at you disappear, thereby protecting you from evil and black magic. >>> The Dzi tiger bead is a symbol of justice and a successful career. It helps the owner to increase focus, determination and success in completing goals. >>> The tooth of the tiger Dzi is also revered as a spiritual object, able to protect from evil entities and negative circumstances, providing not only mental and spiritual, but also physical protection. Dzi bead tiger tooth is ideal for a person who often encounters obstacles and wants to draw strength in overcoming them. -----Description and application of Dzi tiger tooth----- >>> The pattern on the Dzi bead tiger tooth resembles a wavy pattern. But unlike the smooth pattern on the Dzi wave bead, on the bead the Dzi tiger tooth has a wavy pattern that has sharper and sharper edges that resemble tiger fangs. >>> On the Dzi bead, a tiger tooth, in addition to a wavy pattern designating the tiger fangs themselves, there may be other symbols with corresponding meanings. Such beads have additional characteristics and the power of these extra characters. In addition, there are Dzi with a double row of tiger fangs. Such beads have more power than beads with a single-row pattern of tiger fangs. >>> Dzi classic “Tiger Fangs” outwardly differs from the Dzi Double Tiger Fang design. Very often Dzi Horse is confused with Dzi Tiger Fang. But these are two Dzi with completely different purposes. >>> Dzi tiger tooth allows its owner to concentrate as much as possible on the task before him. This Dzi gives tremendous willpower and concentration of attention, due to which a person inseparably follows his goal until its completion. And after the goal is achieved, there comes true relaxation and enjoyment of the goal achieved. >>> This is joy and happiness from the accomplished task. This is neither stress nor depressed state, which is typical for people with less concentration in the work process and inability to switch attention. That is a state of true happiness from the goal achieved. -----Conclusion----- >>> The Dzi bead is a tiger tooth - a symbol of strength and wealth. It brings a constant stream of wealth and good luck, provides additional energy, confidence and determination, which will help to overcome all obstacles on the way to your goal. >>> Along with willpower and determination to achieve the goal, this Dzi protects its owner from the negative forces that can meet in his way and gives good health. This Dzi will help entrepreneurs, businessmen and everyone who sets specific goals and who seek to achieve their implementation. -(Tiger Tooth Double Layers Dzi Bead: Multi-Band Designs with Two Layers of Tiger's Tooth inscriptions, designed in a unique pattern. Doubles or magnifies the intensity of the Tiger Teeth Dzi bead. This Dzi help to Promote Spiritual Strength, Cleansing of Evil and Obstacles and Attraction of All Auspicious Signs for the Owner. This item is widely sought for its Spiritual properties. This item is believed to possess Six times the Spiritual Strength of the normal Tiger's Tooth, due to the Multi-Band Designs)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------DZI 3 EYES---------- >>> DZI 3 EYES brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth. -----KUBERA - the god of wealth----- >>> Dzi 3-eyed bead is considered an expression of the Hindu god Kubera. Kubera became the god of wealth after he indulged in many years of severe austerities. As a reward for this, the supreme god Brahma made him the keeper of all earthly riches and granted him immortality. The god of wealth Kubera is also known in the Buddhist tradition. Usually depicted as a small chubby man, adorned with precious stones, holding a pot of money and a mongoose, belching precious stones. >>> The main task of God Kubera on Earth is the protection of earthly riches and their equal distribution in proportion to the karmic merits of people. Therefore, it is believed that wearing a bead of 3 eyes of Dzi helps its owner to get the due share of wealth from the pot of this god. -----Application of 3-Eye Dzi Beads----- >>> A Tibetan 3-eyed Dzi bead can be worn as an amulet of wealth on a cord, in a bracelet or necklace. This bead also works well in the form of a keychain on a bag, for keys, etc. You can just put it in a purse or pocket. >>> The possession of a Tibetan Dzi bead 3 eyes increases the ability of its owner to accumulate wealth through the crystallization of opportunities for making money. It is the accumulation of wealth, that is, its accumulation. This is not a momentary gain in the lottery, but a gradual buildup of one’s wealth, because it symbolizes the wealth of the Tibetan god Kubera. >>> This bead is intended for the accumulation of benefits, ideal for anyone who wants to save a certain amount, reliably keeps them from spending extra money, money ceases to “leak through your fingers”. >>> It also balances the vital energy of Ci through a harmonious combination of spiritual forces, mind and bodily energy. Thanks to this, good health is achieved. >>>Therefore, the Dzi bead 3 eyes not only the bead of wealth affects much larger aspects of our lives and brings both good luck in money matters and the respect of others, happiness and longevity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------6 EYES---------- >>> The Dzi Bead of 6 eyes eliminates suffering, expels sorrow and has the ability to attract good luck. In Buddhism, there is a concept of 6 levels of human existence in the material Universe. These levels describe the gradation from the lowest, which in European tradition can be described as hell, to the highest - paradise. >>> A 6-eye Dzi bead helps its owner develop 6 paramitas (perfections). Paramita is an action that helps achieve liberation. The use of these 6 paramitas leads to enlightenment and exit from the series of reincarnations. -----The six paramitas are as follows----- -Dana — charity or generosity. It can manifest itself as a gift of material things, but its best manifestation is the transfer of knowledge to other people about the nature of the mind and how to achieve enlightenment. -Shila — discipline and awareness in life. -Kshanti is the ability to be patient when being insulted or suffering. Act on the basis of circumstances, but be steady and not be angry. -Virya — the ability to be hardworking on the way to your goal. At the same time, not giving in to despondency. This is a joyful journey. -Dhyana — meditation or contemplation. This is one of the main tools for working with the mind to comprehend its true, deep nature. -Prajnaparamita — wisdom. This is the ability to see the truth. This is the last perfection. --Prajnaparamita is the ship that transports all thinking creatures across the ocean of Samsara to the shores of nirvana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------DZI 9 EYES---------- >>> 9 Eye Dzi is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among jewelry and accessories on the clothing of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to assemble their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase primarily a nine-eyed Dzi bead. Reputation and fame >>> This 9-eye Dzi bead attracts the attention of the public and brings its owner great fame and popularity in society. With such fame and good reputation, the owner of the 9-eye Dzi bead is able to achieve material success and well-being much easier. The more popular a person gains, the more material wealth he can get at his disposal. >>> It is this quality that attracts the success and fame of this Tibetan bead Dzi 9 eyes so highly appreciated by all who seek to become a pop star and gain great popularity. In addition, enhancing your reputation is a very valuable quality both for politicians and for doing business in a business environment. Therefore, the 9-eyed bead Dzi is suitable for representatives of these circles of society. -----Dzi 9 virtues----- >>> In addition to the ability of the Dzi 9 eye bead to bring widespread popularity to its owner, it has many more wonderful qualities. The 9 eyes of this bead symbolize the essence of all 9 planets of our solar system. The number "9" in Buddhism is the number of completeness and completeness. It is believed that this Dzi brings its owner all kinds of luck and gives advantages in life, which are expressed in the following 9 advantages and abilities: 1/The ability to achieve triumphal victories. 2/The ability to protect yourself, people and your business from possible adversities and dangers. 3/The acquisition of wide fame and popularity among the public. 4/Gaining self-esteem and dignity. 5/Compassion and mercy for people. 6/The acquisition of power, strength and power in society. 7/Authority and competence in the field in which the person works, achieving great authority and leadership positions. 8/The ability to both self-control and good control and management of those people and enterprises that this person manages. 9/Achieving high reputation, fame. >>> As can be seen from the above, the Dzi bead 9 eyes is especially suitable for those people who seek to achieve fame, fame and great popularity among the public. These qualities, along with the ability to manage their affairs well, make it possible to achieve a high position in society and a good level of income. >>> Dzi 9-eyed bead is well-suited for businessmen, politicians and public figures and cultural figures. It favors those who need a good image and high reputation. The 9-eye Dzi bead is especially good for people in leadership positions, business owners and managers, leaders of social movements and political parties.

编号 81990337

5 天珠 (40mm) - 龙天珠,双虎牙,3/6/9 眼 - 僧人加持 + 书法- 62 g

5 天珠 (40mm) - 龙天珠,双虎牙,3/6/9 眼 - 僧人加持 + 书法- 62 g

CEREMONY FERBUARY 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPDCg_XnSrA
>>>All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
>>>CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4
>>>CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s
----------DRAGON DZI----------
>>> Bead Dzi DRAGON has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities.
>>>Dragons are mythical and magical creatures, which, according to legend, can be a source of life and life forms. Dzi dragon bead helps to combine the three most important components of life: body, mind and soul into a single harmonious organism. Such an association gives the owner of this Dzi good bodily health, good luck and success in business, and great spiritual strength.
-----Description and Application of Dzi Dragon Beads-----
>>>On the bead of Dzi dragon the image of the dragon is drawn as it is represented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions. In Tibet, dragons are considered the highest beings in the hierarchy of the animal world. She is the strongest in physical terms, the smartest and most powerful spiritually and magically.
>>>All dragons possess alchemy and can breathe fire and do magic. Dragons are masters of materializing various objects, including living things. They masterfully master magic, creating magical things and themselves live in a magical world. Dragons bring magic in all its forms to the life of the owner of the bead Dzi dragon.
Dragons live in all dimensions from Earth to heaven. When they are on Earth, they tend to live in large underground caves where they live, store their treasures and move around quietly. The underground level represents our subconscious. Therefore, the bead Dzi dragon helps its owner to reveal the secrets of his subconscious.
>>>Dzi Dragon Bead is a great mascot for men. It helps to gain both physical and spiritual strength. Wearing this bead helps to cope with difficulties in life and at work. It helps to overcome both external enemies in the form of competitors and ill-wishers, as well as internal enemies, which until now have been hiding in our subconscious.
>>>Dzi dragon bead helps to achieve the integrity of the body, mind and spirit. This is great Dzi for those who strive to be a leader and for those who just want to become more confident and active in life.
----------DOUBLE TIGER TOOTH----------
>>> The Dzi bead Tiger Tooth gives its owner willpower and tenacity. This bead helps to focus and realize personal aspirations. This Dzi helps to overcome fears and instills confidence and strength, so that you can bravely go through any difficulties and obstacles in life.
>>> In addition, the Dzi tiger bead is a great helper that provides reliable protection. This Dzi blocks and makes negative energy directed at you disappear, thereby protecting you from evil and black magic.
>>> The Dzi tiger bead is a symbol of justice and a successful career. It helps the owner to increase focus, determination and success in completing goals.
>>> The tooth of the tiger Dzi is also revered as a spiritual object, able to protect from evil entities and negative circumstances, providing not only mental and spiritual, but also physical protection. Dzi bead tiger tooth is ideal for a person who often encounters obstacles and wants to draw strength in overcoming them.
-----Description and application of Dzi tiger tooth-----
>>> The pattern on the Dzi bead tiger tooth resembles a wavy pattern. But unlike the smooth pattern on the Dzi wave bead, on the bead the Dzi tiger tooth has a wavy pattern that has sharper and sharper edges that resemble tiger fangs.
>>> On the Dzi bead, a tiger tooth, in addition to a wavy pattern designating the tiger fangs themselves, there may be other symbols with corresponding meanings. Such beads have additional characteristics and the power of these extra characters. In addition, there are Dzi with a double row of tiger fangs. Such beads have more power than beads with a single-row pattern of tiger fangs.
>>> Dzi classic “Tiger Fangs” outwardly differs from the Dzi Double Tiger Fang design. Very often Dzi Horse is confused with Dzi Tiger Fang. But these are two Dzi with completely different purposes.
>>> Dzi tiger tooth allows its owner to concentrate as much as possible on the task before him. This Dzi gives tremendous willpower and concentration of attention, due to which a person inseparably follows his goal until its completion. And after the goal is achieved, there comes true relaxation and enjoyment of the goal achieved.
>>> This is joy and happiness from the accomplished task. This is neither stress nor depressed state, which is typical for people with less concentration in the work process and inability to switch attention. That is a state of true happiness from the goal achieved.
>>> The Dzi bead is a tiger tooth - a symbol of strength and wealth. It brings a constant stream of wealth and good luck, provides additional energy, confidence and determination, which will help to overcome all obstacles on the way to your goal.
>>> Along with willpower and determination to achieve the goal, this Dzi protects its owner from the negative forces that can meet in his way and gives good health. This Dzi will help entrepreneurs, businessmen and everyone who sets specific goals and who seek to achieve their implementation.
-(Tiger Tooth Double Layers Dzi Bead: Multi-Band Designs with Two Layers of Tiger's Tooth inscriptions, designed in a unique pattern. Doubles or magnifies the intensity of the Tiger Teeth Dzi bead. This Dzi help to Promote Spiritual Strength, Cleansing of Evil and Obstacles and Attraction of All Auspicious Signs for the Owner. This item is widely sought for its Spiritual properties. This item is believed to possess Six times the Spiritual Strength of the normal Tiger's Tooth, due to the Multi-Band Designs)-
----------DZI 3 EYES----------
>>> DZI 3 EYES brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth.
-----KUBERA - the god of wealth-----
>>> Dzi 3-eyed bead is considered an expression of the Hindu god Kubera. Kubera became the god of wealth after he indulged in many years of severe austerities. As a reward for this, the supreme god Brahma made him the keeper of all earthly riches and granted him immortality. The god of wealth Kubera is also known in the Buddhist tradition. Usually depicted as a small chubby man, adorned with precious stones, holding a pot of money and a mongoose, belching precious stones.
>>> The main task of God Kubera on Earth is the protection of earthly riches and their equal distribution in proportion to the karmic merits of people. Therefore, it is believed that wearing a bead of 3 eyes of Dzi helps its owner to get the due share of wealth from the pot of this god.
-----Application of 3-Eye Dzi Beads-----
>>> A Tibetan 3-eyed Dzi bead can be worn as an amulet of wealth on a cord, in a bracelet or necklace. This bead also works well in the form of a keychain on a bag, for keys, etc. You can just put it in a purse or pocket.
>>> The possession of a Tibetan Dzi bead 3 eyes increases the ability of its owner to accumulate wealth through the crystallization of opportunities for making money. It is the accumulation of wealth, that is, its accumulation. This is not a momentary gain in the lottery, but a gradual buildup of one’s wealth, because it symbolizes the wealth of the Tibetan god Kubera.
>>> This bead is intended for the accumulation of benefits, ideal for anyone who wants to save a certain amount, reliably keeps them from spending extra money, money ceases to “leak through your fingers”.
>>> It also balances the vital energy of Ci through a harmonious combination of spiritual forces, mind and bodily energy. Thanks to this, good health is achieved.
>>>Therefore, the Dzi bead 3 eyes not only the bead of wealth affects much larger aspects of our lives and brings both good luck in money matters and the respect of others, happiness and longevity.
----------6 EYES----------
>>> The Dzi Bead of 6 eyes eliminates suffering, expels sorrow and has the ability to attract good luck. In Buddhism, there is a concept of 6 levels of human existence in the material Universe. These levels describe the gradation from the lowest, which in European tradition can be described as hell, to the highest - paradise.
>>> A 6-eye Dzi bead helps its owner develop 6 paramitas (perfections). Paramita is an action that helps achieve liberation. The use of these 6 paramitas leads to enlightenment and exit from the series of reincarnations.
-----The six paramitas are as follows-----
-Dana — charity or generosity. It can manifest itself as a gift of material things, but its best manifestation is the transfer of knowledge to other people about the nature of the mind and how to achieve enlightenment.
-Shila — discipline and awareness in life.
-Kshanti is the ability to be patient when being insulted or suffering. Act on the basis of circumstances, but be steady and not be angry.
-Virya — the ability to be hardworking on the way to your goal. At the same time, not giving in to despondency. This is a joyful journey.
-Dhyana — meditation or contemplation. This is one of the main tools for working with the mind to comprehend its true, deep nature.
-Prajnaparamita — wisdom. This is the ability to see the truth. This is the last perfection. --Prajnaparamita is the ship that transports all thinking creatures across the ocean of Samsara to the shores of nirvana.
----------DZI 9 EYES----------
>>> 9 Eye Dzi is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among jewelry and accessories on the clothing of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to assemble their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase primarily a nine-eyed Dzi bead.
Reputation and fame
>>> This 9-eye Dzi bead attracts the attention of the public and brings its owner great fame and popularity in society. With such fame and good reputation, the owner of the 9-eye Dzi bead is able to achieve material success and well-being much easier. The more popular a person gains, the more material wealth he can get at his disposal.
>>> It is this quality that attracts the success and fame of this Tibetan bead Dzi 9 eyes so highly appreciated by all who seek to become a pop star and gain great popularity. In addition, enhancing your reputation is a very valuable quality both for politicians and for doing business in a business environment. Therefore, the 9-eyed bead Dzi is suitable for representatives of these circles of society.
-----Dzi 9 virtues-----
>>> In addition to the ability of the Dzi 9 eye bead to bring widespread popularity to its owner, it has many more wonderful qualities. The 9 eyes of this bead symbolize the essence of all 9 planets of our solar system. The number "9" in Buddhism is the number of completeness and completeness.
It is believed that this Dzi brings its owner all kinds of luck and gives advantages in life, which are expressed in the following 9 advantages and abilities:
1/The ability to achieve triumphal victories.
2/The ability to protect yourself, people and your business from possible adversities and dangers.
3/The acquisition of wide fame and popularity among the public.
4/Gaining self-esteem and dignity.
5/Compassion and mercy for people.
6/The acquisition of power, strength and power in society.
7/Authority and competence in the field in which the person works, achieving great authority and leadership positions.
8/The ability to both self-control and good control and management of those people and enterprises that this person manages.
9/Achieving high reputation, fame.
>>> As can be seen from the above, the Dzi bead 9 eyes is especially suitable for those people who seek to achieve fame, fame and great popularity among the public. These qualities, along with the ability to manage their affairs well, make it possible to achieve a high position in society and a good level of income.
>>> Dzi 9-eyed bead is well-suited for businessmen, politicians and public figures and cultural figures. It favors those who need a good image and high reputation. The 9-eye Dzi bead is especially good for people in leadership positions, business owners and managers, leaders of social movements and political parties.






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