編號 37883699

書籍 - L'Année Automobile n°1 - 1953
202 週前

書籍 - L'Année Automobile n°1 - 1953

The first issue, now much sought-after, of a long, uninterrupted line of annuals. This legendary collection of annual reviews began in 1953 and continues to this day. This number 1 covers all the automotive events of the year 1953-1954 both for the competition and the models released that year, it is illustrated with beautiful colour and black & white photos, a true testimony of its time. It would make a great gift for true enthusiasts. This treasured book is absolutely impossible to find at the moment, especially in such an exceptional condition. An undisputed reference for car enthusiasts and professionals alike. Publisher: Edita SA Format (mm): 240 × 325 Language: French Number of pages: 226 Number of photos: approx. 500 in colour and B&W. Binding: Soft cover

編號 37883699

書籍 - L'Année Automobile n°1 - 1953

書籍 - L'Année Automobile n°1 - 1953

The first issue, now much sought-after, of a long, uninterrupted line of annuals.

This legendary collection of annual reviews began in 1953 and continues to this day.

This number 1 covers all the automotive events of the year 1953-1954 both for the competition and the models released that year, it is illustrated with beautiful colour and black & white photos, a true testimony of its time.

It would make a great gift for true enthusiasts.

This treasured book is absolutely impossible to find at the moment, especially in such an exceptional condition.

An undisputed reference for car enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Publisher: Edita SA

Format (mm): 240 × 325

Language: French

Number of pages: 226

Number of photos: approx. 500 in colour and B&W.

Binding: Soft cover






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