編號 81351773

4 天珠 (40mm) 3/4/5/6 眼 - 僧侶加持 + 書法- 64 g
€ 20
9 週前

4 天珠 (40mm) 3/4/5/6 眼 - 僧侶加持 + 書法- 64 g

MARCH 2024 CEREMONY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zfERzjKcs4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". -CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4 (2022) -CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------DZI 3 EYES---------- >>> DZI 3 EYES brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth. -----KUBERA - the god of wealth----- >>> Dzi 3-eyed bead is considered an expression of the Hindu god Kubera. Kubera became the god of wealth after he indulged in many years of severe austerities. As a reward for this, the supreme god Brahma made him the keeper of all earthly riches and granted him immortality. The god of wealth Kubera is also known in the Buddhist tradition. Usually depicted as a small chubby man, adorned with precious stones, holding a pot of money and a mongoose, belching precious stones. >>> The main task of God Kubera on Earth is the protection of earthly riches and their equal distribution in proportion to the karmic merits of people. Therefore, it is believed that wearing a bead of 3 eyes of Dzi helps its owner to get the due share of wealth from the pot of this god. -----Application of 3-Eye Dzi Beads----- >>> A Tibetan 3-eyed Dzi bead can be worn as an amulet of wealth on a cord, in a bracelet or necklace. This bead also works well in the form of a keychain on a bag, for keys, etc. You can just put it in a purse or pocket. >>> The possession of a Tibetan Dzi bead 3 eyes increases the ability of its owner to accumulate wealth through the crystallization of opportunities for making money. It is the accumulation of wealth, that is, its accumulation. This is not a momentary gain in the lottery, but a gradual buildup of one’s wealth, because it symbolizes the wealth of the Tibetan god Kubera. >>> This bead is intended for the accumulation of benefits, ideal for anyone who wants to save a certain amount, reliably keeps them from spending extra money, money ceases to “leak through your fingers”. >>> It also balances the vital energy of Ci through a harmonious combination of spiritual forces, mind and bodily energy. Thanks to this, good health is achieved. >>>Therefore, the Dzi bead 3 eyes not only the bead of wealth affects much larger aspects of our lives and brings both good luck in money matters and the respect of others, happiness and longevity. ----------DZI 4 EYES---------- >>> DZI 4 eyes is a bead of 4 Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is the designation of a person in Buddhism who practices spiritual practices to become a Buddha (enlightened) and to bring benefit to all beings on earth. Bodhisattva's consciously remain in this world and do not go into nirvana to help people and other living beings get out of Samara — an endless cycle of rebirths. >>> They devote all their strength and energy to getting rid of the suffering of this world. Guided by compassion and relying on knowledge of the laws of this world and their wisdom, they make the salvation of all living things on earth a matter of their whole lives. The four-eyed bead Dzi represents the power of quality of these 4 Bodhisattvas. -----Qualities of four-eyed Dzi beads----- The is endowed with the qualities of four Bodhisattvas: -Maitreya - Compassion and Wisdom -Avalokiteshvara - compassion, protector from danger, supreme love -Manjushri - the wisdom and power of the Buddha, memory and intelligence -Mahasthamaprapta - Wisdom and Awareness To understand the power that is contained in this Tibetan bead , which symbolizes these four Bodhisattvas, we will briefly consider each of them. >>> Maitreya is a Bodhisattva that is recognized and respected by all modern schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhists believe that he will soon reincarnate on earth, and after achieving full enlightenment he will begin to teach people the universal laws of life. This is the “Lord named Compassion” who will become the Teacher of humanity. >>> Avalokiteshvara is one of the most revered Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is known as Padmapani (lotus holder), as well as Chenrezig. In East Asia, this Bodhisattva is known as Kuan Yin, or Cannon, both of which are female incarnations. Kuan Yin is a revered Bodhisattva of compassion in East Asia. In the West, she is widely known as the Goddess of Mercy. Kuan Yin is also revered by the Chinese Taoists as a symbol of immortality. The name Kuan Yin means "watching the sounds of the world." >>> Manjushri is one of the eight great Bodhisattva who were the closest disciples of Gautama Buddha. This is a Bodhisattva of higher wisdom. It symbolizes the embodiment of prajnaparamita - the knowledge and transcendental wisdom of all Buddhas. In the images he can be seen with a sword in his right hand, with which he fights with the darkness of ignorance, and a text scroll in his left. >>> Mahasthamaprapta is a Buddhist Bodhisattva that personifies the power of wisdom. He is often portrayed in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman similar to Kuan-Yin. He is also one of thirteen Buddhas in Japanese Buddhism. In the Surangama Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta talks about how he gained enlightenment by attaining the state of samadhi through the constant pure awareness of the Buddha. -----Value Dzi Beads 4 Eyes----- >>> The is endowed with the qualities of all 4 Bodhisattva. It helps to increase the wisdom of its owner, helps to fulfill desires, brings good luck and prosperity in life. It also performs a protective function well - it drives away evil spirits and removes obstacles to the goal. Thanks to the great spiritual power, the Dzi 4-eye bead helps to overcome the negative influences of both the external world and those coming from our subconscious. It contributes to success in life and longevity. >>> The four-eyed is very favorable for people who are engaged in spiritual practices, as it helps to fight with their inner mental demons that poison our lives. She also protects against induced negative energy influences such as evil eye or damage. >>> All these qualities possessed by the , together with wisdom and compassion for all living creatures on earth, makes it an excellent choice for constant wear in any life situation. ----------DZI 5 EYES---------- -Dzi bead 5 eyes with Lightning- >>> Other symbols are usually found on the Dzi lightning bead. The most common Dzi bead is a mystical knot with lightning. It is one of the forms of a bead of 5 eyes Dzi and it is often called Dzi 5 eyes with lightning. >>> Dzi lightning bead and mystical knot combine the power of the symbol of lightning and Dzi 5 eyes. Tibetan bead Dzi 5 eyes with lightning is a powerful talisman that helps to get everything that its owner wants. It brings lightning-fast success in various areas of life. >>> Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman of wealth, which helps its owner to obtain material benefits. It gives good luck in business, attracts money, attracts responsive people and contributes to making money profit from multiple sources of income. And the symbol of lightning in this Dzi helps to overcome the effects of negative forces, eliminates obstacles. >>> Dzi bead 5 eyes with lightning help to make a successful career, helps to increase intelligence and educational level. Possession of this Dzi brings joy and helps to achieve success in what has long been conceived and previously could not be done. -----Conclusion----- >>> The main action of the Dzi lightning beads is the destruction of ignorance. This ignorance is manifested in many areas and in all planes of being. Everything that is bad happens to a person, all suffering and pain, comes from ignorance. Wear this Dzi, free yourself from ignorance, acquire knowledge and your life will become easier and better. Thanks to this Dzi, the fog of ignorance and clouds of ignorance will dissipate and you will gain true knowledge, enlightenment and happiness. >>> Dzi 5-eyed bead is one of the most mysterious beads. It gives wisdom, prosperity, prolongs life and brings many other benefits. This blessing comes from 5 Dhyani Buddhas. She helps her owner to get what he wants and brings great happiness. >>> Dhyani-Buddha, in Mahayana Buddhism, and particularly in Vajrayana (Tantric) Buddhism, any of a group of five “self-born” celestial buddhas who have always existed from the beginning of time. The five are usually identified as Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi. >>> The five are almost identically represented in art, all dressed in monastic garments, seated with folded legs, with the same hairdress and long-lobed ears, but are distinguished by characteristic colours, symbols, poses of hands, and the directions they face. The five eternal Buddhas are correlated to other groups of five, so that the entire cosmos is seen as divided between them and as emanating from them. Thus, each represents one of the five skandhas, or mental and physical aggregates that make up the whole of cosmic as well as individual existence. ----------DZI 6 EYES---------- >>> The Dzi Bead of 6 eyes eliminates suffering, expels sorrow and has the ability to attract good luck. In Buddhism, there is a concept of 6 levels of human existence in the material Universe. These levels describe the gradation from the lowest, which in European tradition can be described as hell, to the highest - paradise. -----Six levels of being----- A Dzi bead of 6 eyes helps a person to free himself from the suffering that lies in wait at 6 levels of existence. Each eye with this six-eyed Dzi corresponds to one of the levels or paths of being in which a person can be. Let's consider these levels in more detail. -Hell. The lowest state of being. Hell can be defined as the state in which a person seeks to destroy both himself and everything that surrounds him. Rage and fury become the dominant and driving force. In this state of being, a person is completely deprived of any freedom and experiences indescribable suffering. -Hunger. In this state, a person experiences huge and irresistible desires. It can be directly a feeling of hunger when he strives a lot and eat well. And also these are conditions when a person has an insatiable need to buy clothes, accumulate wealth, strive only for pleasures and long for glory. In this state, a person is tormented by such ruthless thirst and cannot satisfy this passion. -Animalism. In this state, a person is guided only by animal instincts. Neither reason nor morality can restrain him from desires and actions. -Anger. This is the state in which a man's ego prevails. In this state, a person despises others and strives to become higher than the rest. -Humanity or calm. In this state, a person is calm and prudent, can control his instincts and desires. He acts reasonably, seeks to live in harmony with his environment and society. -Paradise or bliss. A person can feel this state when his desire is fully realized. At that moment, he feels something similar. However, this condition passes quickly and does not last long. >>> Most people live jumping from one state to another, moving on this scale of states from hell to heaven. Typically, these conditions occur in humans under the influence of some external influences. Therefore, a person is very vulnerable to such influences and a Dzi 6 eye bead is simply necessary to protect against influences to which our responses arise. >>> A 6-eye Dzi bead helps its owner get out of these walks through 6 states of existence. It helps to leave their world, where aggression, anger, ignorance, frivolity and suffering reign. -----6 Excellence----- >>> A 6-eye Dzi bead helps its owner develop 6 paramitas (perfections). Paramita is an action that helps achieve liberation. The use of these 6 paramitas leads to enlightenment and exit from the series of reincarnations. The six paramitas are as follows: -Dana — charity or generosity. It can manifest itself as a gift of material things, but its best manifestation is the transfer of knowledge to other people about the nature of the mind and how to achieve enlightenment. -Shila — discipline and awareness in life. -Kshanti is the ability to be patient when being insulted or suffering. Act on the basis of circumstances, but be steady and not be angry. -Virya — the ability to be hardworking on the way to your goal. At the same time, not giving in to despondency. This is a joyful journey. -Dhyana — meditation or contemplation. This is one of the main tools for working with the mind to comprehend its true, deep nature. -Prajnaparamita — wisdom. This is the ability to see the truth. This is the last perfection. Prajnaparamita is the ship that transports all thinking creatures across the ocean of Samsara to the shores of nirvana. >>> Thus, the Tibetan bead Dzi 6 eyes eliminates sadness and suffering in life and brings good luck to its owner. It helps to find what lies at the very foundation of happiness and helps improve karmic situations. -----Conclusion----- >>> The 6-eyed Dzi is one of the best Tibetan beads for working people. It helps to eliminate problems that have arisen in you or in the office environment. They help to resolve the situation at work, where there is gossip, a struggle for power, hijacking employees, etc. The Tibetan bead Dzi 6 eyes also helps those who seek self-knowledge, self-cultivation and spiritual practices. It helps to take control of negative emotions, calm the mind and bring harmony at every moment of existence in this world.

編號 81351773

4 天珠 (40mm) 3/4/5/6 眼 - 僧侶加持 + 書法- 64 g

4 天珠 (40mm) 3/4/5/6 眼 - 僧侶加持 + 書法- 64 g

MARCH 2024 CEREMONY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zfERzjKcs4
>>> All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
-CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4 (2022)
-CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s
----------DZI 3 EYES----------
>>> DZI 3 EYES brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth.
-----KUBERA - the god of wealth-----
>>> Dzi 3-eyed bead is considered an expression of the Hindu god Kubera. Kubera became the god of wealth after he indulged in many years of severe austerities. As a reward for this, the supreme god Brahma made him the keeper of all earthly riches and granted him immortality. The god of wealth Kubera is also known in the Buddhist tradition. Usually depicted as a small chubby man, adorned with precious stones, holding a pot of money and a mongoose, belching precious stones.
>>> The main task of God Kubera on Earth is the protection of earthly riches and their equal distribution in proportion to the karmic merits of people. Therefore, it is believed that wearing a bead of 3 eyes of Dzi helps its owner to get the due share of wealth from the pot of this god.
-----Application of 3-Eye Dzi Beads-----
>>> A Tibetan 3-eyed Dzi bead can be worn as an amulet of wealth on a cord, in a bracelet or necklace. This bead also works well in the form of a keychain on a bag, for keys, etc. You can just put it in a purse or pocket.
>>> The possession of a Tibetan Dzi bead 3 eyes increases the ability of its owner to accumulate wealth through the crystallization of opportunities for making money. It is the accumulation of wealth, that is, its accumulation. This is not a momentary gain in the lottery, but a gradual buildup of one’s wealth, because it symbolizes the wealth of the Tibetan god Kubera.
>>> This bead is intended for the accumulation of benefits, ideal for anyone who wants to save a certain amount, reliably keeps them from spending extra money, money ceases to “leak through your fingers”.
>>> It also balances the vital energy of Ci through a harmonious combination of spiritual forces, mind and bodily energy. Thanks to this, good health is achieved.
>>>Therefore, the Dzi bead 3 eyes not only the bead of wealth affects much larger aspects of our lives and brings both good luck in money matters and the respect of others, happiness and longevity.

----------DZI 4 EYES----------
>>> DZI 4 eyes is a bead of 4 Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is the designation of a person in Buddhism who practices spiritual practices to become a Buddha (enlightened) and to bring benefit to all beings on earth. Bodhisattva's consciously remain in this world and do not go into nirvana to help people and other living beings get out of Samara — an endless cycle of rebirths.
>>> They devote all their strength and energy to getting rid of the suffering of this world. Guided by compassion and relying on knowledge of the laws of this world and their wisdom, they make the salvation of all living things on earth a matter of their whole lives. The four-eyed bead Dzi represents the power of quality of these 4 Bodhisattvas.
-----Qualities of four-eyed Dzi beads-----
The is endowed with the qualities of four Bodhisattvas:
-Maitreya - Compassion and Wisdom
-Avalokiteshvara - compassion, protector from danger, supreme love
-Manjushri - the wisdom and power of the Buddha, memory and intelligence
-Mahasthamaprapta - Wisdom and Awareness
To understand the power that is contained in this Tibetan bead , which symbolizes these four Bodhisattvas, we will briefly consider each of them.
>>> Maitreya is a Bodhisattva that is recognized and respected by all modern schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhists believe that he will soon reincarnate on earth, and after achieving full enlightenment he will begin to teach people the universal laws of life. This is the “Lord named Compassion” who will become the Teacher of humanity.
>>> Avalokiteshvara is one of the most revered Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is known as Padmapani (lotus holder), as well as Chenrezig.
In East Asia, this Bodhisattva is known as Kuan Yin, or Cannon, both of which are female incarnations. Kuan Yin is a revered Bodhisattva of compassion in East Asia. In the West, she is widely known as the Goddess of Mercy. Kuan Yin is also revered by the Chinese Taoists as a symbol of immortality. The name Kuan Yin means "watching the sounds of the world."
>>> Manjushri is one of the eight great Bodhisattva who were the closest disciples of Gautama Buddha. This is a Bodhisattva of higher wisdom. It symbolizes the embodiment of prajnaparamita - the knowledge and transcendental wisdom of all Buddhas. In the images he can be seen with a sword in his right hand, with which he fights with the darkness of ignorance, and a text scroll in his left.
>>> Mahasthamaprapta is a Buddhist Bodhisattva that personifies the power of wisdom. He is often portrayed in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman similar to Kuan-Yin. He is also one of thirteen Buddhas in Japanese Buddhism.
In the Surangama Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta talks about how he gained enlightenment by attaining the state of samadhi through the constant pure awareness of the Buddha.
-----Value Dzi Beads 4 Eyes-----
>>> The is endowed with the qualities of all 4 Bodhisattva. It helps to increase the wisdom of its owner, helps to fulfill desires, brings good luck and prosperity in life. It also performs a protective function well - it drives away evil spirits and removes obstacles to the goal.
Thanks to the great spiritual power, the Dzi 4-eye bead helps to overcome the negative influences of both the external world and those coming from our subconscious. It contributes to success in life and longevity.
>>> The four-eyed is very favorable for people who are engaged in spiritual practices, as it helps to fight with their inner mental demons that poison our lives. She also protects against induced negative energy influences such as evil eye or damage.
>>> All these qualities possessed by the , together with wisdom and compassion for all living creatures on earth, makes it an excellent choice for constant wear in any life situation.
----------DZI 5 EYES----------
-Dzi bead 5 eyes with Lightning-
>>> Other symbols are usually found on the Dzi lightning bead. The most common Dzi bead is a mystical knot with lightning. It is one of the forms of a bead of 5 eyes Dzi and it is often called Dzi 5 eyes with lightning.
>>> Dzi lightning bead and mystical knot combine the power of the symbol of lightning and Dzi 5 eyes. Tibetan bead Dzi 5 eyes with lightning is a powerful talisman that helps to get everything that its owner wants. It brings lightning-fast success in various areas of life.
>>> Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman of wealth, which helps its owner to obtain material benefits. It gives good luck in business, attracts money, attracts responsive people and contributes to making money profit from multiple sources of income. And the symbol of lightning in this Dzi helps to overcome the effects of negative forces, eliminates obstacles.
>>> Dzi bead 5 eyes with lightning help to make a successful career, helps to increase intelligence and educational level. Possession of this Dzi brings joy and helps to achieve success in what has long been conceived and previously could not be done.
>>> The main action of the Dzi lightning beads is the destruction of ignorance. This ignorance is manifested in many areas and in all planes of being. Everything that is bad happens to a person, all suffering and pain, comes from ignorance.
Wear this Dzi, free yourself from ignorance, acquire knowledge and your life will become easier and better. Thanks to this Dzi, the fog of ignorance and clouds of ignorance will dissipate and you will gain true knowledge, enlightenment and happiness.
>>> Dzi 5-eyed bead is one of the most mysterious beads. It gives wisdom, prosperity, prolongs life and brings many other benefits. This blessing comes from 5 Dhyani Buddhas. She helps her owner to get what he wants and brings great happiness.
>>> Dhyani-Buddha, in Mahayana Buddhism, and particularly in Vajrayana (Tantric) Buddhism, any of a group of five “self-born” celestial buddhas who have always existed from the beginning of time. The five are usually identified as Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi.
>>> The five are almost identically represented in art, all dressed in monastic garments, seated with folded legs, with the same hairdress and long-lobed ears, but are distinguished by characteristic colours, symbols, poses of hands, and the directions they face. The five eternal Buddhas are correlated to other groups of five, so that the entire cosmos is seen as divided between them and as emanating from them. Thus, each represents one of the five skandhas, or mental and physical aggregates that make up the whole of cosmic as well as individual existence.
----------DZI 6 EYES----------
>>> The Dzi Bead of 6 eyes eliminates suffering, expels sorrow and has the ability to attract good luck. In Buddhism, there is a concept of 6 levels of human existence in the material Universe. These levels describe the gradation from the lowest, which in European tradition can be described as hell, to the highest - paradise.
-----Six levels of being-----
A Dzi bead of 6 eyes helps a person to free himself from the suffering that lies in wait at 6 levels of existence. Each eye with this six-eyed Dzi corresponds to one of the levels or paths of being in which a person can be. Let's consider these levels in more detail.
-Hell. The lowest state of being. Hell can be defined as the state in which a person seeks to destroy both himself and everything that surrounds him. Rage and fury become the dominant and driving force. In this state of being, a person is completely deprived of any freedom and experiences indescribable suffering.
-Hunger. In this state, a person experiences huge and irresistible desires. It can be directly a feeling of hunger when he strives a lot and eat well. And also these are conditions when a person has an insatiable need to buy clothes, accumulate wealth, strive only for pleasures and long for glory. In this state, a person is tormented by such ruthless thirst and cannot satisfy this passion.
-Animalism. In this state, a person is guided only by animal instincts. Neither reason nor morality can restrain him from desires and actions.
-Anger. This is the state in which a man's ego prevails. In this state, a person despises others and strives to become higher than the rest.
-Humanity or calm. In this state, a person is calm and prudent, can control his instincts and desires. He acts reasonably, seeks to live in harmony with his environment and society.
-Paradise or bliss. A person can feel this state when his desire is fully realized. At that moment, he feels something similar. However, this condition passes quickly and does not last long.
>>> Most people live jumping from one state to another, moving on this scale of states from hell to heaven. Typically, these conditions occur in humans under the influence of some external influences. Therefore, a person is very vulnerable to such influences and a Dzi 6 eye bead is simply necessary to protect against influences to which our responses arise.
>>> A 6-eye Dzi bead helps its owner get out of these walks through 6 states of existence. It helps to leave their world, where aggression, anger, ignorance, frivolity and suffering reign.
-----6 Excellence-----
>>> A 6-eye Dzi bead helps its owner develop 6 paramitas (perfections). Paramita is an action that helps achieve liberation. The use of these 6 paramitas leads to enlightenment and exit from the series of reincarnations.
The six paramitas are as follows:
-Dana — charity or generosity. It can manifest itself as a gift of material things, but its best manifestation is the transfer of knowledge to other people about the nature of the mind and how to achieve enlightenment.
-Shila — discipline and awareness in life.
-Kshanti is the ability to be patient when being insulted or suffering. Act on the basis of circumstances, but be steady and not be angry.
-Virya — the ability to be hardworking on the way to your goal. At the same time, not giving in to despondency. This is a joyful journey.
-Dhyana — meditation or contemplation. This is one of the main tools for working with the mind to comprehend its true, deep nature.
-Prajnaparamita — wisdom. This is the ability to see the truth. This is the last perfection. Prajnaparamita is the ship that transports all thinking creatures across the ocean of Samsara to the shores of nirvana.
>>> Thus, the Tibetan bead Dzi 6 eyes eliminates sadness and suffering in life and brings good luck to its owner. It helps to find what lies at the very foundation of happiness and helps improve karmic situations.
>>> The 6-eyed Dzi is one of the best Tibetan beads for working people. It helps to eliminate problems that have arisen in you or in the office environment. They help to resolve the situation at work, where there is gossip, a struggle for power, hijacking employees, etc.
The Tibetan bead Dzi 6 eyes also helps those who seek self-knowledge, self-cultivation and spiritual practices. It helps to take control of negative emotions, calm the mind and bring harmony at every moment of existence in this world.






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