編號 81608921

4 天珠 58mm - 和尚加持 + 書法- 65 g
€ 30
7 週前

4 天珠 58mm - 和尚加持 + 書法- 65 g

NEW CEREMONY 04/2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8avOOWgK3L0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". -CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4 (2022) -CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------TREASURE VASE---------- >>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty contributes to the enrichment of its owner, improves the quality of life and protects against possible losses. Dzi fertility vessel provides safety and prevents misfortune. It improves health and prolongs life. Therefore, it is also called Dzi longevity. >>> Dzi nectar vessel of plenty helps its owner increase his income. This Dzi has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The Dzi fertility vessel attracts luck and helps its owner make money and become richer and healthier. >>>The picture, depicted on a Dzi bead, a nectar vessel of plenty, personifies one of the auspicious symbols of Buddhism - a precious vase. Consider this Buddhist symbol in more detail. -----Precious vase----- >>> A precious vase or vessel of plenty is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism. The precious vase symbolizes spiritual and material wealth, abundance and happiness. Its symbolic meaning is almost always associated with the accumulation and satisfaction of material wealth. In many cultures, there is a similar concept of an inexhaustible vessel that provides wealth. >>> There are two aspects to the operation of this precious vase of plenty - external and internal. The external aspect is expressed in the filling of this vase with various valuable substances: gold, silver, jade, amethyst, lapis lazuli, agate, onyx, pearls, crystal and turquoise. It may also contain food in the form of grains of rice, peas, lentils, etc. The vase is filled to the brim. And if something is taken out of it, then it is filled again. >>> The inner nature of the precious vase of plenty is the heavenly palace in which, along with other Bodhisattva beings of compassion and the supreme god of wealth, live. This secret aspect of the vessel of plenty makes the owner of such a vase content and happy. Also, this vase helps protect against all kinds of evil and brings good to the life of its owner. >>> In order to attract wealth into their home, vases of plenty filled with precious and sacred substances are usually placed on the altars. Also, such vases can be buried on mountain passes, under flowing water, or simply somewhere in the area of ​​your home. The presence of such a talisman attracts wealth and at the same time does not violate harmony with the world. In relation to Buddhism, this means the spiritual abundance of the Buddha. These are inexhaustible treasures, the number of which does not decrease, no matter how much he gives them to people. -----Description and use of Dzi nectar beads----- >>> On a Dzi bead a nectar vessel of plenty is drawn a vessel in the form of a heart with a cross extending from it. In the vessel itself, quite often, an image in the form of a heart is also drawn. It turns out two hearts embedded in each other. Such Dzi longevity can prevent the occurrence of disease. There are beads with one vessel of the heart. >>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty prevents death from accidents, improves the strengths of the individual and helps its owner to achieve wealth and longevity. Dzi a vessel of plenty contributes to the acquisition of those things that delight the eye and soul. Thanks to the Dzi of plenty, you can find “milk rivers and jelly banks,” that is, get into a country of plenty. All the things you only dreamed about could be yours if you have a Dzi bead of nectar-filled abundance. This Tibetan talisman helps to open doors previously closed for you and makes your life easier and more enjoyable. Dzi bead of longevity provides good health and helps to develop charisma, which helps to influence people and achieve a good position in society. -----Conclusion----- >>> Carrying a Dzi nectar vessel of plenty provides the best safety of its owner, prevents misfortunes and improves virtues. Dzi abundance improves the quality of life, protects against loss and gives harmony in life. It contributes to enrichment and prosperity. >>> Dzi longevity helps to find good health and promotes longevity. This is a very good Dzi for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to have it in your set of Tibetan beads Dzi. It is also a great gift for friends and family. >>> We all want to become healthier, wealthier and live longer. Dzi fertility vessel helps with this. Wear this Tibetan mascot and become more successful and happy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------TAI YAN DZI---------- >>> Dzi Bead The Big Man /Dzi Aristocrat/ is a magnificent talisman for people who are in love with their job, who know how and love to work, who are ready to give all in their work. She is good for intellectuals. -----This Tibetan talisman gives----- -Clarity of thought and improves memory. -Helps in the work of mental mechanisms. -Promotes clarity and consistency of conclusions. -Improves the mental stability of a person when working in adverse conditions. -It supports emotional and emotional balance. >>> On Dzi bead a large man is depicted a drawing resembling a man with a head at both ends. The name of the bead sounds like “Yes Ren”, which is translated from Mandarin as “Yes” - large and “Ren” - a person. It means greatness, importance, big rank. Therefore, it is also called Dzi Aristocrat. >>> This Dzi bead helps in cleansing karma, boosts intelligence, determination and ensures safety. Dzi bead big man gives a feeling of integrity and security. This is especially manifested in the mental activity of man. All thought processes are enhanced by this bead. >>> Dzi Aristocrat is especially favorable for the following groups of people involved in mental activities: Pupils and students, especially during exams and sessions. Scientists. Teachers Heads of enterprises, entrepreneurs, managers. >>> Everyone who needs a sharp mind and clear thinking, as well as older people, to prevent memory impairment and maintain a high level of thinking. >>> In addition to its function of exerting a beneficial effect on the mental activity of a person, a big man's Dzi bead helps to find important people in your environment. These can be mentors who will help you in important life issues. It may be some other people who will help you achieve your goals or support you in various life situations. >>> The help of such people may not necessarily be expressed in the form of money or some kind of service that will lead to your well-being and a higher status in society. This can be timely and valuable advice, support, or simply approval. Such “arising” people with the help of this Dzi Aristocrat can greatly help you. Carefully watch so as not to dismiss such valuable assistants that will arise in your life. -----Conclusion----- >>> DZI BIG MAN is a very good helper in the modern world, when in order to live well, you need to operate with a mass of special knowledge and process a large amount of information. Therefore, our mind becomes the main tool for achieving wealth and prosperity. Of course, we must keep it in a highly efficient state. And the bead big man Dzi Aristocrat will help you with this. >>> Wear this Tibetan talisman for good memory, intelligence, a clear and quick mind, and attract people who will help you in life. Combine this Dzi with other talismans and their combined strength will help you achieve your goals and live a good and happy life. ----------HEAVEN & EARTH DZI---------- >>>DZI Heaven and Earth balances and leads to harmony two opposite substances - Yin and Yang. These opposites are expressed in the Dzi bead by earth and heaven. Earth corresponds to Yin - the feminine, and the sky - Yang, the masculine. >>>Usually in life it happens that one of these opposites predominates. Then a person is either overly active, quick-tempered, harsh, or vice versa, passive and always turns out to be a consequence of circumstances. >>>Dzi bead Heaven and Earth helps balance these two opposing forces, which immediately improves the ability of its owner to live a better life. Flows become balanced, behavior is more adequate, and achieving goals is easier than before. -----Description and application of Dzi beads Heaven and Earth----- >>>A square on a Dzi bead. Sky denotes the earth. The circle is the designation of the sky. The forces of heaven and earth are combined in this bead in relation to the person who wears this bead. These opposite energies form a single harmonious flow, which helps to achieve your goals. >>>These opposites also serve to harmonize one's own energies. The flow of energy becomes more pure and harmonious. This helps to achieve balance and harmony in all areas of life. All obstacles and obstacles to your goal and everything that can harm you are cleared. Pleasant things begin to happen and what you dreamed of is coming true. >>>Businessmen really like this Dzi - Heaven and Earth. It harmonizes business processes and those plans and tasks that an entrepreneur faces become easier to implement. This Dzi helps to achieve great wealth and prosperity. You just need to feel these harmonizing energies and not impede them in achieving your cherished goal. >>>Dzi Heaven and Earth also helps to harmonize the vital flows of energy in the human body. It helps to remove body blocks and leads to the healing of the body. If you have a medical condition, this Dzi will also help to cope with it. Wear this Dzi bead in order to gain good health. ----------DZI 7 EYES----------with Buddha eyes >>>A 7-eye Dzi bead favors seven different aspirations in life. These are aspirations in career growth, achieving wealth, prosperity, longevity, improving relationships, gaining recognition and self-improvement. Wearing this bead allows you to achieve success at work and in your personal life, strengthens your health and harmonizes the condition of a person. -----The healing properties of Dzi beads----- >>>Tibetan bead Dzi 7 eyes symbolizes the constellation Ursa Major. The 7 eyes of Dzi beads represent 7 stars from this constellation. In Tibet, they believe that Ursa Major is a manifestation of the seven Buddhas of medicine. >>>The main task of these seven Buddhas is to free all living beings from diseases of an external and internal nature. The main Buddha of medicine, or medicine guru, is depicted with a blue body, which symbolizes wisdom and the fact that it is an emanation of the healing power of all Buddhas. In his left hand he holds a bowl filled with healing nectar, and in his right-hand squeezes a medicinal plant. >>>The Buddha of medicine helps a person to awaken the bodily and psychic powers that we can use to heal ourselves and help other people. These are not some external forces that help us, this is what is inside us, in our consciousness. These are the dormant forces that can be awakened by meditation, awareness of the moment “now”, visualization and other spiritual practices. >>>Upon awakening, this inner source exerts tremendous healing power. It opens the reserves of the human body and spirit and is able to fully reveal the true personal potential of a person. Tibetan bead Dzi 7 eyes helps in unlocking this inner potential. -----Practical benefit----- >>>Due to its amazing qualities, Dzi Bead 7 eyes is one of the most popular Tibetan beads. And every person striving for self-improvement should have it in his collection. Of course, in itself, nothing happens without working on oneself. But when wearing the 7th eye, Dzi beads accomplishments are easier than without her help. >>>Wearing it brings great abundance and good luck in business. This 7-eye Dzi is good for starting new business. At the same time, revenues increase and the needs of its owner are most fully satisfied. It makes the path to achieving the goal more smooth and calm. >>>This 7-eyed Dzi is useful both in the social aspects of a person’s life and also benefits its owner. Social aspects are work, business, family, relationships in the team and gaining fame in society. And it helps the person himself, bringing him health and longevity and helps to reveal the internal reserves of the body. >>>Such a wide spectrum of action of this bead explains its popularity.

編號 81608921

4 天珠 58mm - 和尚加持 + 書法- 65 g

4 天珠 58mm - 和尚加持 + 書法- 65 g

>>> All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
-CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4 (2022)
-CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s
----------TREASURE VASE----------
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty contributes to the enrichment of its owner, improves the quality of life and protects against possible losses. Dzi fertility vessel provides safety and prevents misfortune. It improves health and prolongs life. Therefore, it is also called Dzi longevity.
>>> Dzi nectar vessel of plenty helps its owner increase his income. This Dzi has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The Dzi fertility vessel attracts luck and helps its owner make money and become richer and healthier.
>>>The picture, depicted on a Dzi bead, a nectar vessel of plenty, personifies one of the auspicious symbols of Buddhism - a precious vase. Consider this Buddhist symbol in more detail.
-----Precious vase-----
>>> A precious vase or vessel of plenty is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism. The precious vase symbolizes spiritual and material wealth, abundance and happiness. Its symbolic meaning is almost always associated with the accumulation and satisfaction of material wealth. In many cultures, there is a similar concept of an inexhaustible vessel that provides wealth.
>>> There are two aspects to the operation of this precious vase of plenty - external and internal. The external aspect is expressed in the filling of this vase with various valuable substances: gold, silver, jade, amethyst, lapis lazuli, agate, onyx, pearls, crystal and turquoise. It may also contain food in the form of grains of rice, peas, lentils, etc. The vase is filled to the brim. And if something is taken out of it, then it is filled again.
>>> The inner nature of the precious vase of plenty is the heavenly palace in which, along with other Bodhisattva beings of compassion and the supreme god of wealth, live. This secret aspect of the vessel of plenty makes the owner of such a vase content and happy. Also, this vase helps protect against all kinds of evil and brings good to the life of its owner.
>>> In order to attract wealth into their home, vases of plenty filled with precious and sacred substances are usually placed on the altars. Also, such vases can be buried on mountain passes, under flowing water, or simply somewhere in the area of ​​your home. The presence of such a talisman attracts wealth and at the same time does not violate harmony with the world. In relation to Buddhism, this means the spiritual abundance of the Buddha. These are inexhaustible treasures, the number of which does not decrease, no matter how much he gives them to people.
-----Description and use of Dzi nectar beads-----
>>> On a Dzi bead a nectar vessel of plenty is drawn a vessel in the form of a heart with a cross extending from it. In the vessel itself, quite often, an image in the form of a heart is also drawn. It turns out two hearts embedded in each other. Such Dzi longevity can prevent the occurrence of disease. There are beads with one vessel of the heart.
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty prevents death from accidents, improves the strengths of the individual and helps its owner to achieve wealth and longevity. Dzi a vessel of plenty contributes to the acquisition of those things that delight the eye and soul. Thanks to the Dzi of plenty, you can find “milk rivers and jelly banks,” that is, get into a country of plenty.
All the things you only dreamed about could be yours if you have a Dzi bead of nectar-filled abundance. This Tibetan talisman helps to open doors previously closed for you and makes your life easier and more enjoyable. Dzi bead of longevity provides good health and helps to develop charisma, which helps to influence people and achieve a good position in society.
>>> Carrying a Dzi nectar vessel of plenty provides the best safety of its owner, prevents misfortunes and improves virtues. Dzi abundance improves the quality of life, protects against loss and gives harmony in life. It contributes to enrichment and prosperity.
>>> Dzi longevity helps to find good health and promotes longevity. This is a very good Dzi for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to have it in your set of Tibetan beads Dzi. It is also a great gift for friends and family.
>>> We all want to become healthier, wealthier and live longer. Dzi fertility vessel helps with this. Wear this Tibetan mascot and become more successful and happy!
----------TAI YAN DZI----------
>>> Dzi Bead The Big Man /Dzi Aristocrat/ is a magnificent talisman for people who are in love with their job, who know how and love to work, who are ready to give all in their work. She is good for intellectuals.
-----This Tibetan talisman gives-----
-Clarity of thought and improves memory.
-Helps in the work of mental mechanisms.
-Promotes clarity and consistency of conclusions.
-Improves the mental stability of a person when working in adverse conditions.
-It supports emotional and emotional balance.
>>> On Dzi bead a large man is depicted a drawing resembling a man with a head at both ends. The name of the bead sounds like “Yes Ren”, which is translated from Mandarin as “Yes” - large and “Ren” - a person. It means greatness, importance, big rank. Therefore, it is also called Dzi Aristocrat.
>>> This Dzi bead helps in cleansing karma, boosts intelligence, determination and ensures safety. Dzi bead big man gives a feeling of integrity and security. This is especially manifested in the mental activity of man. All thought processes are enhanced by this bead.
>>> Dzi Aristocrat is especially favorable for the following groups of people involved in mental activities:
Pupils and students, especially during exams and sessions. Scientists. Teachers
Heads of enterprises, entrepreneurs, managers.
>>> Everyone who needs a sharp mind and clear thinking, as well as older people, to prevent memory impairment and maintain a high level of thinking.
>>> In addition to its function of exerting a beneficial effect on the mental activity of a person, a big man's Dzi bead helps to find important people in your environment. These can be mentors who will help you in important life issues. It may be some other people who will help you achieve your goals or support you in various life situations.
>>> The help of such people may not necessarily be expressed in the form of money or some kind of service that will lead to your well-being and a higher status in society. This can be timely and valuable advice, support, or simply approval. Such “arising” people with the help of this Dzi Aristocrat can greatly help you. Carefully watch so as not to dismiss such valuable assistants that will arise in your life.
>>> DZI BIG MAN is a very good helper in the modern world, when in order to live well, you need to operate with a mass of special knowledge and process a large amount of information. Therefore, our mind becomes the main tool for achieving wealth and prosperity. Of course, we must keep it in a highly efficient state. And the bead big man Dzi Aristocrat will help you with this.
>>> Wear this Tibetan talisman for good memory, intelligence, a clear and quick mind, and attract people who will help you in life. Combine this Dzi with other talismans and their combined strength will help you achieve your goals and live a good and happy life.
----------HEAVEN & EARTH DZI----------
>>>DZI Heaven and Earth balances and leads to harmony two opposite substances - Yin and Yang. These opposites are expressed in the Dzi bead by earth and heaven. Earth corresponds to Yin - the feminine, and the sky - Yang, the masculine.
>>>Usually in life it happens that one of these opposites predominates. Then a person is either overly active, quick-tempered, harsh, or vice versa, passive and always turns out to be a consequence of circumstances.
>>>Dzi bead Heaven and Earth helps balance these two opposing forces, which immediately improves the ability of its owner to live a better life. Flows become balanced, behavior is more adequate, and achieving goals is easier than before.
-----Description and application of Dzi beads Heaven and Earth-----
>>>A square on a Dzi bead. Sky denotes the earth. The circle is the designation of the sky. The forces of heaven and earth are combined in this bead in relation to the person who wears this bead. These opposite energies form a single harmonious flow, which helps to achieve your goals.
>>>These opposites also serve to harmonize one's own energies. The flow of energy becomes more pure and harmonious. This helps to achieve balance and harmony in all areas of life. All obstacles and obstacles to your goal and everything that can harm you are cleared. Pleasant things begin to happen and what you dreamed of is coming true.
>>>Businessmen really like this Dzi - Heaven and Earth. It harmonizes business processes and those plans and tasks that an entrepreneur faces become easier to implement. This Dzi helps to achieve great wealth and prosperity. You just need to feel these harmonizing energies and not impede them in achieving your cherished goal.
>>>Dzi Heaven and Earth also helps to harmonize the vital flows of energy in the human body. It helps to remove body blocks and leads to the healing of the body. If you have a medical condition, this Dzi will also help to cope with it. Wear this Dzi bead in order to gain good health.
----------DZI 7 EYES----------with Buddha eyes
>>>A 7-eye Dzi bead favors seven different aspirations in life. These are aspirations in career growth, achieving wealth, prosperity, longevity, improving relationships, gaining recognition and self-improvement. Wearing this bead allows you to achieve success at work and in your personal life, strengthens your health and harmonizes the condition of a person.
-----The healing properties of Dzi beads-----
>>>Tibetan bead Dzi 7 eyes symbolizes the constellation Ursa Major. The 7 eyes of Dzi beads represent 7 stars from this constellation. In Tibet, they believe that Ursa Major is a manifestation of the seven Buddhas of medicine.
>>>The main task of these seven Buddhas is to free all living beings from diseases of an external and internal nature. The main Buddha of medicine, or medicine guru, is depicted with a blue body, which symbolizes wisdom and the fact that it is an emanation of the healing power of all Buddhas. In his left hand he holds a bowl filled with healing nectar, and in his right-hand squeezes a medicinal plant.
>>>The Buddha of medicine helps a person to awaken the bodily and psychic powers that we can use to heal ourselves and help other people. These are not some external forces that help us, this is what is inside us, in our consciousness. These are the dormant forces that can be awakened by meditation, awareness of the moment “now”, visualization and other spiritual practices.
>>>Upon awakening, this inner source exerts tremendous healing power. It opens the reserves of the human body and spirit and is able to fully reveal the true personal potential of a person. Tibetan bead Dzi 7 eyes helps in unlocking this inner potential.
-----Practical benefit-----
>>>Due to its amazing qualities, Dzi Bead 7 eyes is one of the most popular Tibetan beads. And every person striving for self-improvement should have it in his collection. Of course, in itself, nothing happens without working on oneself. But when wearing the 7th eye, Dzi beads accomplishments are easier than without her help.
>>>Wearing it brings great abundance and good luck in business. This 7-eye Dzi is good for starting new business. At the same time, revenues increase and the needs of its owner are most fully satisfied. It makes the path to achieving the goal more smooth and calm.
>>>This 7-eyed Dzi is useful both in the social aspects of a person’s life and also benefits its owner. Social aspects are work, business, family, relationships in the team and gaining fame in society. And it helps the person himself, bringing him health and longevity and helps to reveal the internal reserves of the body.
>>>Such a wide spectrum of action of this bead explains its popularity.






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