編號 81710219

15 天珠 / 15 圖案 - (30mm) - 和尚加持 + 書法- 80 g
€ 40
7 週前

15 天珠 / 15 圖案 - (30mm) - 和尚加持 + 書法- 80 g

CEREMONY FERBUARY 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8avOOWgK3L0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". >>>CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4 >>>CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s ------------------------------------------------------------------- -----DRAGON DZI----- >>> Bead Dzi DRAGON has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities. -----1 EYE MOUNTAIN PEAK----- >>> The bead of Dzi Mountain Peak, or Dzi Mountain, symbolizes stability and resilience. This bead supports its owner in almost any situation. It gives strength and helps focus on what needs to be done. >>> The bead of Mount Dzi personifies courage and unwaveringness in the face of dangers and troubles. It helps to survive in difficult situations under the pressure of adverse circumstances and hostile actions. Wearing beads the mountain peak of Dzi brings its owner strength, stability and support in all activities. It is favorable for business, career growth and gaining recognition in any area of ​​life. -----2 EYES DZI----- >>> Dzi 2 EYES is a talisman for those who are looking for love, their soul mate to create a family or want to strengthen their marriage. The two-eyed bead of Dzi helps create a happy and harmonious marriage and improves family relationships. In addition, it ensures the achievement of life goals and makes a person more wise. >>> Basically, this Tibetan bead is worn by those people who seek to find marital harmony and family happiness. If you want to create a happy family, find stability and peace of mind in a marital relationship, and also build good relationships with others, then the Tibetan bead Dzi 2 eyes is the best option for this. -----3 EYES DZI----- >>> Dzi Bead 3 eyes brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth. -----5 EYES DZI----- >>> The 5-eye Dzi bead is a talisman of wealth. The 5 eyes of Dzi represent the five gods of wealth who bring wealth to human life in many ways. Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman that brings the owner more money, good luck in business, leads to wealth, prosperity and longevity. Therefore, it is very suitable for those who seek monetary gain, especially by earning through multiple sources of income. -----TAI YAN DZI----- >>> Dzi Bead The Big Man /Dzi Aristocrat/ is a magnificent talisman for people who are in love with their job, who know how and love to work, who are ready to give all in their work. She is good for intellectuals. This Tibetan talisman gives: -Clarity of thought and improves memory. -Helps in the work of mental mechanisms. -Promotes clarity and consistency of conclusions. -Improves the mental stability of a person when working in adverse conditions. -It supports emotional and emotional balance. -----MONEY HOOK----- >>>The name of the Dzi bead MONEY HOOK matches its image. Dzi money hook pattern looks like an ordinary “S” shaped hook. And the function of this hook, like a fishing one, is to catch. But not ordinary fish is caught on this hook, but happiness, wealth and prosperity. -----9 EYES DZI----- >>> 9 Eye Dzi is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among jewelry and accessories on the clothing of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to assemble their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase primarily a nine-eyed Dzi bead. Reputation and fame -----DOUBLE TIGER TOOTH DZI----- >>> The Dzi bead Tiger Tooth gives its owner willpower and tenacity. This bead helps to focus and realize personal aspirations. This Dzi helps to overcome fears and instills confidence and strength, so that you can bravely go through any difficulties and obstacles in life. -----LOTUS DZI----- >>> Dzi Lotus has the ability to clear the mind and soothe the heart. This leads to peace of mind and a clear consciousness. In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes many things. But the main meaning of Dzi Lotus is spiritual disclosure and purity. This is the revelation of the true nature of a being, which is realized through enlightenment, compassion for all living beings and liberation from one’s passions. >>> Lotus is a water flower. It begins to grow in the mud that has accumulated at the bottom of the reservoir - bottom mud. It grows in conditions in which other water lilies do not survive. The lotus actually grows out of the mud, and its flowers are some of the most beautiful flowers on Earth. >>> The mission of the lotus flowers is to show us that beauty can grow and flourish even in the dirtiest conditions of existence. Beauty can be found anywhere. Dzi lotus flower helps its owner to create a perfect state of mind and a calm life. -----RUI DZI----- >>>Dzi Golden Key Bead is your path to your dream. This bead allows you to reveal the true purpose of a person, helps him to realize his place in life, contributes to the implementation of all his plans. She has a unique ability - to weed out false and erroneous dreams, imposed desires and allows you to see your real abilities. -----Dzi Golden Key helps determine the right directions in:----- Personal life. / Business and career. / Self-realization. / Social sphere. >>>Dzi Golden Key is amazing in that it strengthens and co-directs all the rest of Dzi owner. This Dzi determines the main direction of human development and, figuratively speaking, harmonizes the strength of the remaining beads so that they begin to work for the main life goal of this person. >>>It helps to overcome all barriers to the true goal of the owner. But if the target is chosen erroneously, then Dzi Golden Key will not allow wasting energy. Situations will appear in your life that will show that your goal is wrong. —-------CHAKRA DZI—------- >>> The Dzi Chakra bead is intended for those people who are engaged in energy practices and care about their health. This Dzi acts on our energy centers, helping to open, activate and cleanse human chakras. Accordingly, health, well-being improves, forces appear to solve problems and for new beginnings. —--How does Dzi Chakra work?----- The Dzi Chakra bead affects all 7 human chakras. In this case, such changes occur: -Chakra 1 Health improves, immunity rises. Strength and confidence in the future appear. The financial condition is stabilizing. >>> Relations with relatives improve, family ties strengthen, mutual understanding and closeness with parents increase. The canal of the family tree opens and expands. For those who work with subtle plans, Dzi Chakra helps to establish communication with deceased relatives throughout the family tree. And you can get help from a kind. For body health and longevity see also Dzi Bead Turtle. -Chakra 2 >>> The body is recovering. Increases attractiveness for the opposite sex. Solving problems associated with urology and gynecology. The mood improves. The cheerfulness is increasing, the psycho-emotional state is stabilizing. In the life of the owner of this bead comes a feeling of joy and earthly happiness. >>> Increased financial flow. Energy is added to existing financial flows, and due to this, they expand, and the owner of this Dzi begins to receive more money. This Dzi is also suitable for activating sexual energy. We recommend that you pay attention to the specialized Dzi beads - Kamasutra and Buddha Kamasutra. See also 2-eyed Dzi Bead and Dzi Phoenix Eye. -Chakra 3 >>> Under the influence of Dzi Chakra, a person becomes more purposeful, aimed at achieving his goal. The ability and desire to act in society is increasing. The owner of such a bead becomes more charismatic, they listen to his opinion, I want to be next to him. Willpower, purity of intention are increasing, which allows achieving goals with less cost and in shorter time. This helps to move up the career ladder and is especially important for people who are developing their business. >>> The activation of energy in this chakra leads to an improvement in the digestive system. The diseases associated with it, as well as a sense of fear, loss and loneliness, pass. With the help of Dzi Chakra, it is easier to get rid of bad habits and eating habits. Normalization of metabolic processes occurs and a person is easier to get rid of excess weight. -Chakra 4 >>> Dzi Chakra bead has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system and chest organs. This Dzi helps with stress. Strengthening the heart chakra increases resistance to negative environmental influences. >>> A bead brings a person out of a victim’s state, from a donor vampire relationship. It helps the development of acceptance, love of the world in all its manifestations. This Dzi promotes and a positive outlook on the world. Dzi Chakra develops the ability to disinterestedly give and gratefully receive. -Chakra 5 >>> The effect of this Dzi bead on the 5th chakra is the healing of the upper respiratory tract, thyroid gland, and vocal cords. Cleansing and enhancing the energy of the throat chakra improves the ability to communicate, express your own thoughts through speech. Human words become more emotional and figurative, people better understand them. >>> The 5th chakra is responsible for the creative expression, inspiration and emotional plan of a person. Therefore, the healing of this chakra with the help of a Dzi Chakra bead is necessary for all people in creative professions. This Dzi will also be useful to speakers, teachers, business trainers, psychologists and everyone who, by the nature of his work, communicates a lot with people. -Chakra 6 >>> Dzi Chakra helps to “open” the 3rd human eye, helps to develop our intuition and foresight of future events. Wearing this Dzi improves brain activity, helps to structure thoughts, stop internal dialogue and clarity of consciousness. It is good to enhance the action with this bead to wear a Dzi bead of 5 bats. -Chakra 7 >>> Activation of the 7th chakra of a person helps to find a calling, one's Way in this world. Eliminates the illusory perception of life. Helps establish contact with higher powers and great teachers of humanity. ----------DZI AUSPICIOUS CLOUD "Xiangyun" (祥云)----------(Burn DZI) >>>Clouds, sometimes referred to as "auspicious clouds" (xiangyun 祥云), represent the heavens and also "good luck". Its form often resembles the auspicious shape of the LINGZHI "Fungus of Immortality". -----LINGZHI (靈芝)----- >>> In Chinese art, the lingzhi symbolizes great health and longevity, as depicted in the imperial Forbidden City and Summer Palace. It was a talisman for luck in the traditional culture of China, and the goddess of healing Guanyin is sometimes depicted holding a lingzhi mushroom. >>>The sacred Fungus of Immortality, considered by the Daoist mystics as the food of the Immortals (xian). Symbol of longevity, since, when dry, it becomes extremely long lasting. It is used extensively in Chinese medicine. It was believed that lingzhi funguses grew in the abodes of the Immortals, the Three Islands of the Blest, and that whoever ate the sacred fungus attained immortality. Lingzhi funguses or decorative patterns or shapes possibly derived from them (i.e. clouds and ruyi scepters) are quite common in Chinese art. -----Auspicious significance----- >>>Clouds motifs is rooted in agrarian society culture of the Chinese people.  Clouds are associated with good luck as the cloud makes rain which moisten all things, and therefore, it brings good fortune to people. >>>In Chinese language, clouds are called yun (云) which is a homonym for the Chinese character yun "good fortune" (运). >>>Xiangyun are one of the most auspicious patterns used in China and have a very long history. Clouds motifs have appeared in China as early as the Shang dynasty and Eastern Zhou dynasty.  They are one of the oldest decorations and ornaments used in Chinese art, Chinese architecture, and Chinese textile. ----------PHURBA DZI---------- The Phurba Dzi, also known as the Vajra Dzi, symbolizes the sacred scepter used by Buddhists to attain enlightenment. Whether called Dharma Dzi or Dorje Dzi, this emblem grants its possessor unique influence over others and heightened concentration abilities. The Dzi Vajra features a distinctive pattern representing the vajra, a term in Sanskrit signifying "lightning strike" and "diamond." In Tibetan Buddhism, "Dorje" is synonymous with "vajra" and denotes a sacred weapon—a diamond scepter symbolizing supreme power and justice. The diamond scepter depicted on the Vajra Dzi comprises several components. The central sphere symbolizes Sumyata, the primordial nature of the Universe. Extending from it are two lotus flowers—one representing the phenomenal world (samsara) and the other representing the noumenal world (nirvana). This dichotomy is fundamental for individuals not yet enlightened. The Vajra Dzi embodies the Vajra, the weapon of the deity Indra, symbolizing steadfastness of mind and spiritual strength. This divine scepter aids in overcoming obstacles hindering enlightenment. This sacred weapon assists in pacifying supernatural entities like ghosts, evil spirits, and demons—primary adversaries influencing human consciousness. "Dorje" in Tibetan translates to "indestructible." The Vajra Dzi represents indestructibility and unyielding masculine power (Jan), contributing to enlightenment and dispelling ignorance and illusions. It fortifies the human spirit and enhances overall well-being, guiding the possessor toward true wisdom and enlightenment. The Vajra Dzi assists in navigating negative energies and warding off evil spirits obstructing spiritual growth. It aids in overcoming ignorance, gaining knowledge, attaining new insights, and achieving enlightenment. Wearing the Vajra Dzi facilitates a smoother journey toward enlightenment.

編號 81710219

15 天珠 / 15 圖案 - (30mm) - 和尚加持 + 書法- 80 g

15 天珠 / 15 圖案 - (30mm) - 和尚加持 + 書法- 80 g

>>>All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
>>>CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4
>>>CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s
-----DRAGON DZI-----
>>> Bead Dzi DRAGON has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities.
>>> The bead of Dzi Mountain Peak, or Dzi Mountain, symbolizes stability and resilience. This bead supports its owner in almost any situation. It gives strength and helps focus on what needs to be done.
>>> The bead of Mount Dzi personifies courage and unwaveringness in the face of dangers and troubles. It helps to survive in difficult situations under the pressure of adverse circumstances and hostile actions. Wearing beads the mountain peak of Dzi brings its owner strength, stability and support in all activities. It is favorable for business, career growth and gaining recognition in any area of ​​life.
-----2 EYES DZI-----
>>> Dzi 2 EYES is a talisman for those who are looking for love, their soul mate to create a family or want to strengthen their marriage. The two-eyed bead of Dzi helps create a happy and harmonious marriage and improves family relationships. In addition, it ensures the achievement of life goals and makes a person more wise.
>>> Basically, this Tibetan bead is worn by those people who seek to find marital harmony and family happiness. If you want to create a happy family, find stability and peace of mind in a marital relationship, and also build good relationships with others, then the Tibetan bead Dzi 2 eyes is the best option for this.
-----3 EYES DZI-----
>>> Dzi Bead 3 eyes brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth.
-----5 EYES DZI-----
>>> The 5-eye Dzi bead is a talisman of wealth. The 5 eyes of Dzi represent the five gods of wealth who bring wealth to human life in many ways. Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman that brings the owner more money, good luck in business, leads to wealth, prosperity and longevity. Therefore, it is very suitable for those who seek monetary gain, especially by earning through multiple sources of income.
-----TAI YAN DZI-----
>>> Dzi Bead The Big Man /Dzi Aristocrat/ is a magnificent talisman for people who are in love with their job, who know how and love to work, who are ready to give all in their work. She is good for intellectuals.
This Tibetan talisman gives:
-Clarity of thought and improves memory.
-Helps in the work of mental mechanisms.
-Promotes clarity and consistency of conclusions.
-Improves the mental stability of a person when working in adverse conditions.
-It supports emotional and emotional balance.
-----MONEY HOOK-----
>>>The name of the Dzi bead MONEY HOOK matches its image. Dzi money hook pattern looks like an ordinary “S” shaped hook. And the function of this hook, like a fishing one, is to catch. But not ordinary fish is caught on this hook, but happiness, wealth and prosperity.
-----9 EYES DZI-----
>>> 9 Eye Dzi is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among jewelry and accessories on the clothing of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to assemble their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase primarily a nine-eyed Dzi bead.
Reputation and fame
>>> The Dzi bead Tiger Tooth gives its owner willpower and tenacity. This bead helps to focus and realize personal aspirations. This Dzi helps to overcome fears and instills confidence and strength, so that you can bravely go through any difficulties and obstacles in life.
-----LOTUS DZI-----
>>> Dzi Lotus has the ability to clear the mind and soothe the heart. This leads to peace of mind and a clear consciousness. In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes many things. But the main meaning of Dzi Lotus is spiritual disclosure and purity. This is the revelation of the true nature of a being, which is realized through enlightenment, compassion for all living beings and liberation from one’s passions.
>>> Lotus is a water flower. It begins to grow in the mud that has accumulated at the bottom of the reservoir - bottom mud. It grows in conditions in which other water lilies do not survive. The lotus actually grows out of the mud, and its flowers are some of the most beautiful flowers on Earth.
>>> The mission of the lotus flowers is to show us that beauty can grow and flourish even in the dirtiest conditions of existence. Beauty can be found anywhere. Dzi lotus flower helps its owner to create a perfect state of mind and a calm life.
-----RUI DZI-----
>>>Dzi Golden Key Bead is your path to your dream. This bead allows you to reveal the true purpose of a person, helps him to realize his place in life, contributes to the implementation of all his plans. She has a unique ability - to weed out false and erroneous dreams, imposed desires and allows you to see your real abilities.
-----Dzi Golden Key helps determine the right directions in:-----
Personal life. / Business and career. / Self-realization. / Social sphere.
>>>Dzi Golden Key is amazing in that it strengthens and co-directs all the rest of Dzi owner. This Dzi determines the main direction of human development and, figuratively speaking, harmonizes the strength of the remaining beads so that they begin to work for the main life goal of this person.
>>>It helps to overcome all barriers to the true goal of the owner. But if the target is chosen erroneously, then Dzi Golden Key will not allow wasting energy. Situations will appear in your life that will show that your goal is wrong.
—-------CHAKRA DZI—-------
>>> The Dzi Chakra bead is intended for those people who are engaged in energy practices and care about their health. This Dzi acts on our energy centers, helping to open, activate and cleanse human chakras. Accordingly, health, well-being improves, forces appear to solve problems and for new beginnings.
—--How does Dzi Chakra work?-----
The Dzi Chakra bead affects all 7 human chakras. In this case, such changes occur:
-Chakra 1
Health improves, immunity rises. Strength and confidence in the future appear. The financial condition is stabilizing.
>>> Relations with relatives improve, family ties strengthen, mutual understanding and closeness with parents increase. The canal of the family tree opens and expands. For those who work with subtle plans, Dzi Chakra helps to establish communication with deceased relatives throughout the family tree. And you can get help from a kind.
For body health and longevity see also Dzi Bead Turtle.
-Chakra 2
>>> The body is recovering. Increases attractiveness for the opposite sex. Solving problems associated with urology and gynecology. The mood improves. The cheerfulness is increasing, the psycho-emotional state is stabilizing. In the life of the owner of this bead comes a feeling of joy and earthly happiness.
>>> Increased financial flow. Energy is added to existing financial flows, and due to this, they expand, and the owner of this Dzi begins to receive more money.
This Dzi is also suitable for activating sexual energy. We recommend that you pay attention to the specialized Dzi beads - Kamasutra and Buddha Kamasutra.
See also 2-eyed Dzi Bead and Dzi Phoenix Eye.
-Chakra 3
>>> Under the influence of Dzi Chakra, a person becomes more purposeful, aimed at achieving his goal. The ability and desire to act in society is increasing. The owner of such a bead becomes more charismatic, they listen to his opinion, I want to be next to him.
Willpower, purity of intention are increasing, which allows achieving goals with less cost and in shorter time. This helps to move up the career ladder and is especially important for people who are developing their business.
>>> The activation of energy in this chakra leads to an improvement in the digestive system. The diseases associated with it, as well as a sense of fear, loss and loneliness, pass.
With the help of Dzi Chakra, it is easier to get rid of bad habits and eating habits. Normalization of metabolic processes occurs and a person is easier to get rid of excess weight.
-Chakra 4
>>> Dzi Chakra bead has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system and chest organs. This Dzi helps with stress. Strengthening the heart chakra increases resistance to negative environmental influences.
>>> A bead brings a person out of a victim’s state, from a donor vampire relationship. It helps the development of acceptance, love of the world in all its manifestations. This Dzi promotes and a positive outlook on the world.
Dzi Chakra develops the ability to disinterestedly give and gratefully receive.
-Chakra 5
>>> The effect of this Dzi bead on the 5th chakra is the healing of the upper respiratory tract, thyroid gland, and vocal cords. Cleansing and enhancing the energy of the throat chakra improves the ability to communicate, express your own thoughts through speech. Human words become more emotional and figurative, people better understand them.
>>> The 5th chakra is responsible for the creative expression, inspiration and emotional plan of a person. Therefore, the healing of this chakra with the help of a Dzi Chakra bead is necessary for all people in creative professions. This Dzi will also be useful to speakers, teachers, business trainers, psychologists and everyone who, by the nature of his work, communicates a lot with people.
-Chakra 6
>>> Dzi Chakra helps to “open” the 3rd human eye, helps to develop our intuition and foresight of future events. Wearing this Dzi improves brain activity, helps to structure thoughts, stop internal dialogue and clarity of consciousness. It is good to enhance the action with this bead to wear a Dzi bead of 5 bats.
-Chakra 7
>>> Activation of the 7th chakra of a person helps to find a calling, one's Way in this world. Eliminates the illusory perception of life. Helps establish contact with higher powers and great teachers of humanity.
----------DZI AUSPICIOUS CLOUD "Xiangyun" (祥云)----------(Burn DZI)
>>>Clouds, sometimes referred to as "auspicious clouds" (xiangyun 祥云), represent the heavens and also "good luck". Its form often resembles the auspicious shape of the LINGZHI "Fungus of Immortality".
-----LINGZHI (靈芝)-----
>>> In Chinese art, the lingzhi symbolizes great health and longevity, as depicted in the imperial Forbidden City and Summer Palace. It was a talisman for luck in the traditional culture of China, and the goddess of healing Guanyin is sometimes depicted holding a lingzhi mushroom.
>>>The sacred Fungus of Immortality, considered by the Daoist mystics as the food of the Immortals (xian). Symbol of longevity, since, when dry, it becomes extremely long lasting. It is used extensively in Chinese medicine. It was believed that lingzhi funguses grew in the abodes of the Immortals, the Three Islands of the Blest, and that whoever ate the sacred fungus attained immortality. Lingzhi funguses or decorative patterns or shapes possibly derived from them (i.e. clouds and ruyi scepters) are quite common in Chinese art.
-----Auspicious significance-----
>>>Clouds motifs is rooted in agrarian society culture of the Chinese people.  Clouds are associated with good luck as the cloud makes rain which moisten all things, and therefore, it brings good fortune to people.
>>>In Chinese language, clouds are called yun (云) which is a homonym for the Chinese character yun "good fortune" (运).
>>>Xiangyun are one of the most auspicious patterns used in China and have a very long history. Clouds motifs have appeared in China as early as the Shang dynasty and Eastern Zhou dynasty.  They are one of the oldest decorations and ornaments used in Chinese art, Chinese architecture, and Chinese textile.
----------PHURBA DZI----------
The Phurba Dzi, also known as the Vajra Dzi, symbolizes the sacred scepter used by Buddhists to attain enlightenment. Whether called Dharma Dzi or Dorje Dzi, this emblem grants its possessor unique influence over others and heightened concentration abilities.
The Dzi Vajra features a distinctive pattern representing the vajra, a term in Sanskrit signifying "lightning strike" and "diamond." In Tibetan Buddhism, "Dorje" is synonymous with "vajra" and denotes a sacred weapon—a diamond scepter symbolizing supreme power and justice.
The diamond scepter depicted on the Vajra Dzi comprises several components. The central sphere symbolizes Sumyata, the primordial nature of the Universe. Extending from it are two lotus flowers—one representing the phenomenal world (samsara) and the other representing the noumenal world (nirvana). This dichotomy is fundamental for individuals not yet enlightened.
The Vajra Dzi embodies the Vajra, the weapon of the deity Indra, symbolizing steadfastness of mind and spiritual strength. This divine scepter aids in overcoming obstacles hindering enlightenment.
This sacred weapon assists in pacifying supernatural entities like ghosts, evil spirits, and demons—primary adversaries influencing human consciousness. "Dorje" in Tibetan translates to "indestructible." The Vajra Dzi represents indestructibility and unyielding masculine power (Jan), contributing to enlightenment and dispelling ignorance and illusions. It fortifies the human spirit and enhances overall well-being, guiding the possessor toward true wisdom and enlightenment.
The Vajra Dzi assists in navigating negative energies and warding off evil spirits obstructing spiritual growth. It aids in overcoming ignorance, gaining knowledge, attaining new insights, and achieving enlightenment. Wearing the Vajra Dzi facilitates a smoother journey toward enlightenment.






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