編號 82133549

5顆“藏紅花”天珠(39毫米) - 和尚加持 + 書法 - 5/6/7/8/9 眼睛:“神奇五”- 43 g
€ 25
7 週前

5顆“藏紅花”天珠(39毫米) - 和尚加持 + 書法 - 5/6/7/8/9 眼睛:“神奇五”- 43 g

NEW CEREMONY 03/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8avOOWgK3L0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". >>>CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4 >>>CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAFFRON DZI (or Lama Dzi) refers to the color of those Dzi. >>> A wide variety of colours, ranging from a slightly orange yellow to a deep orange red, all simply called saffron, are closely associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, and are commonly worn by monks and holy men across Asia. >>> Buddhist monks in the Theravada tradition typically wear saffron robes (although occasionally maroon — the color normally worn by Vajrayana Buddhist monks). The tone of saffron typically worn by Theravada Buddhist monks is the lighter tone of saffron. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------DZI 5 EYES---------- >>>The 5-eye Dzi bead is a talisman of wealth. The 5 eyes of Dzi represent the five gods of wealth who bring wealth to human life in many ways. Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman that brings the owner more money, good luck in business, leads to wealth, prosperity and longevity. Therefore, it is very suitable for those who seek monetary gain, especially by earning through multiple sources of income. -----Five Gods of Wealth----- >>> The gods of wealth are different aspects of Dzambala - the god of wealth and prosperity. These incarnations of Dzambala bring wealth in many ways. Consider the five areas of wealth. -Green Dzambala. Promotes success, fulfillment of desires, gaining wealth. Helps to eradicate bad signs and other obstacles to wealth. This god is the main of the 5 gods of wealth. -White Dzambala. Eliminates disease and suffering, helps get rid of poverty and karmic misconduct. Prevents disasters and contributes to the accumulation of wealth. -Yellow Dzambala. Promotes luck, increases wisdom, virtues and longevity. Increases intelligence, contributes to the receipt of material and spiritual wealth. -Red Dzambala. It gives a high social position, can help in harmonizing family relationships. It also helps to increase the amount of money, valuables and products. -Black Dzambala. Eliminates grievances, prevents theft, fraud and other barriers that interfere with the receipt of benefits in some kind of money matters. >>> In addition to helping to acquire wealth, the 5-eye Dzi bead helps in gaining wisdom, happiness and prosperity in all areas of life. The 5-eyed Dzi symbolizes the five Dhyani Buddhas. These are not different Buddhas, these are 5 qualities of wisdom. -----Five types of wisdom----- -Comprehensive wisdom - the ability to know the truth, reality and its laws. -The wisdom of the mirror is the ability to perceive the world not being attached to things, but as to a mirror, only reflecting everything that happens in it. -The wisdom of equality is the same attitude towards everything, paying equal attention to all things and phenomena. -The wisdom of discrimination is the ability to analyze, distinguish things and phenomena from each other, but at the same time see a holistic picture of the world. -The wisdom of accomplishment is the ability to accumulate experience and act on the basis of it, knowing how to act. >>> Thanks to such a comprehensive and deep immersion in aspects of wisdom, the Dzi bead 5 eyes is one of the strongest Tibetan beads to acquire this important quality. ----------DRAGON EYE DZI----------(6 Eyes) >>> The dragon eye bead Dzi has the power of the Buddhist six syllable mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum". Each eye of this Dzi personifies one of the syllables of this mantra. In addition, the eye of the dragon Dzi carries the power of a mythical creature - the dragon. >>> Bead Dzi dragon eyes helps overcome negative forces, cope with enemies and competitors. It helps in learning, preserves, maintains the welfare of its owner and allows you to gain wealth in the material world and make spiritual achievements. -----The meaning of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum----- >>> The dragon eye's bead Dzi is the embodied sound of the great mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. By reciting this mantra aloud to oneself or to oneself, or even using the spinning drum where this mantra is written, a person receives friendly attention and blessing from the Buddha of compassion Chenrezing. That is the name of this Buddha in Tibet. In Sanskrit, he is known as the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and in China as Kuan Yin. >>> The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra contains all the teachings of Buddha. And therefore, it is almost impossible to translate into any phrase or sentence. Allegorically, it is translated as "Pearl shining in a lotus flower." Each syllable of this mantra has its own sacred meaning. The six syllables of the "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum" hum mantra contain the perfection of six paramitas: The first syllable “Om” of blessings glorifies us in order to achieve excellence in the practice of charity. The syllable “Ma" helps to improve practice in achieving purity of morality, ethics and awareness. "No" helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance. “Pad” helps to achieve perfection in perseverance. “Me” is the achievement of perfection in the practice of concentration and meditation. “Hum” is the achievement of excellence in the practice of wisdom. >>> The repetition of this mantra, symbolically depicted on the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, helps to achieve perfection in these six practices from generosity to wisdom. In this way the Buddha went to his enlightenment. The same path is also relevant at present for those who wish to achieve enlightenment and get out of a continuous series of births and deaths. >>> The six syllables of the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra also help get rid of the suffering that awaits us at the six levels of being. "Om" - clears from the neurotic attachment to bliss and from pride. "Ma" - from jealousy and thirst for entertainment. "None" - from passions and desires. "Pad" - from stupidity and prejudice. "Me" - from an irresistible thirst for possessiveness. "Hum" - from anger and hatred. >>> Thus, by practicing this mantra one can transform an imperfect body, speech and mind into a pure body, speech and perfect mind of Buddha. You can read more about 6 paramit and six levels of being in the article on the Dzi bead of 6 eyes. Watch this video with the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra and you can start your practice by chanting or reciting this mantra aloud or to yourself. -----Application of Dzi Dragon Eye Bead----- >>> In the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, each syllable of the six syllable mantra Om Mane Padme Hum represents a peculiar pattern that represents the dragon's eye. It also gives this Dzi bead the power contained in such a mythical creature as a dragon. >>> On this Dzi dragon eye, only eyes are represented, so this bead does not possess all the power of this creature. However, this Dzi carries some qualities of a Dzi Dragon bead. Of the dragon qualities, this bead gives the ability to see and overcome obstacles, helps fight negative forces and contributes to the accumulation of wealth. -----Conclusion----- >>> The Tibetan bead Dzi dragon eye is a great helper for those who want to follow the path that Buddha walked to get out of the trap of this material world and achieve enlightenment. It helps to get rid of everything that prevents the achievement of this state and helps to reach the intended goal. >>> Also, the Dzi eye bead of the dragon’s eye helps to cope with obstacles in life, helps to improve karma and the accumulation of wealth. Wear this Dzi and achieve prosperity both in the material world and in the spiritual! ----------DZI 7 EYES---------- >>>A 7-eye Dzi bead favors seven different aspirations in life. These are aspirations in career growth, achieving wealth, prosperity, longevity, improving relationships, gaining recognition and self-improvement. Wearing this bead allows you to achieve success at work and in your personal life, strengthens your health and harmonizes the condition of a person. -----The healing properties of Dzi beads----- >>>Tibetan bead Dzi 7 eyes symbolizes the constellation Ursa Major. The 7 eyes of Dzi beads represent 7 stars from this constellation. In Tibet, they believe that Ursa Major is a manifestation of the seven Buddhas of medicine. >>>The main task of these seven Buddhas is to free all living beings from diseases of an external and internal nature. The main Buddha of medicine, or medicine guru, is depicted with a blue body, which symbolizes wisdom and the fact that it is an emanation of the healing power of all Buddhas. In his left hand he holds a bowl filled with healing nectar, and in his right-hand squeezes a medicinal plant. >>>The Buddha of medicine helps a person to awaken the bodily and psychic powers that we can use to heal ourselves and help other people. These are not some external forces that help us, this is what is inside us, in our consciousness. These are the dormant forces that can be awakened by meditation, awareness of the moment “now”, visualization and other spiritual practices. >>>Upon awakening, this inner source exerts tremendous healing power. It opens the reserves of the human body and spirit and is able to fully reveal the true personal potential of a person. Tibetan bead Dzi 7 eyes helps in unlocking this inner potential. -----Practical benefit----- >>>Due to its amazing qualities, Dzi Bead 7 eyes is one of the most popular Tibetan beads. And every person striving for self-improvement should have it in his collection. Of course, in itself, nothing happens without working on oneself. But when wearing the 7th eye, Dzi beads accomplishments are easier than without her help. >>>Wearing it brings great abundance and good luck in business. This 7-eye Dzi is good for starting new business. At the same time, revenues increase and the needs of its owner are most fully satisfied. It makes the path to achieving the goal more smooth and calm. >>>This 7-eyed Dzi is useful both in the social aspects of a person’s life and also benefits its owner. Social aspects are work, business, family, relationships in the team and gaining fame in society. And it helps the person himself, bringing him health and longevity and helps to reveal the internal reserves of the body. >>>Such a wide spectrum of action of this bead explains its popularity. ----------DZI 8 EYES---------- >>>Bead Dzi 8 eyes helps its owner to avoid various disasters and tragedies, protects against accidents and blows of fate. With her, everyday life becomes safer and calmer. The protective function of this Tibetan Dzi bead is due to the fact that its owner receives help and blessing from 8 Bodhisattvas, which protect him from various types of troubles. The 8 eyes of Dzi are a symbol of the eight Buddhist treasures. ----------8 Precious Buddhist Symbols---------- ASHTAMANGALA sanskrit : अष्टमंगल, tibetan : བཀྲ་ཤིས་རྟགས་བརྒྱད་, traditional chinese: 佛門八寶 denotes a group of eight (ashta) auspicious symbols (mangala) in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. The nature and order of the elements may vary. The list most widely disseminated in the 21st century is that of Buddhism, particularly visible in the vajrayāna. 1 >>>The white shell, spiraling to the right, symbolizes the deep, far-reaching and melodic sounds of the Dharma (the doctrine of the universal laws of being). These sounds awaken from a deep sleep of ignorance, paving the way for liberation. 2 >>>The precious umbrella symbolizes the protection of people from disease, suffering, harmful influences and various obstacles in this life. He also personifies the pleasure and enjoyment of the coolness of being in this blessed shadow of an umbrella. 3 >>>The victory banner symbolizes the victory of the Buddha over the obstacles to enlightenment. These obstacles are fear of death, negative emotions, pride, and desires that dominate people. 4 >>>Goldfish symbolizes the benefit of all living things. These are states of fearless and joyful sailing without fear of drowning in the ocean of samsara - the ocean of suffering. This condition makes it as easy to move from place to place, as a fish swims freely in the water. 5 >>>Wheel of Dharma or wheel of the Law. Symbolizes Gautam Buddha and the doctrine of the universal laws of life. By spinning this golden wheel of teaching in all worlds, Buddhas help all beings get rid of ignorance and suffering from ignorance, as well as experience joy from good deeds and liberation. 6 >>>The endless knot symbolizes the interdependence of religious doctrines and secular affairs. He also represents the union of wisdom and compassion. This is a symbol of the highest unity of everything and the Buddhist teaching on interpenetration is laid in it. 7 >>>The lotus flower symbolizes the complete cleansing of all impurities of both the body, speech and mind. It is a symbol of purity and renunciation. 8 >>>The precious vase symbolizes the endless stream of long life, health, wealth, prosperity and all the blessings of this world. >>>In the Buddhist tradition, the eight auspicious signs form the body of Buddha. the parasol represents his head, the two fish his eyes, the vase his neck, the lotus his tongue, the golden wheel his feet, the banner of victory his body, the conch his word, the endless knot his spirit. ----------Dzi Bead Application---------- >>>8 good symbols of Tibet, expressed in a Dzi bead of 8 eyes, fill and harmonize a person, help him overcome obstacles, and also give strength in solving all life problems. Her wearing helps protect against possible disasters and life's troubles. She helps her owner in finding and following her true life path. At the same time, a calm of the mind is achieved, which is no longer filled with the deliberation of the problems that have fallen, but calmly solves the problems associated with the realization of life goals. >>>The Dzi 8-eye bead becomes especially relevant during the Feng-Shui 8 period (2004-2024). During this period, she provides the strongest support due to the number "8". During this period, many negative problems can be turned in a good direction. ----------DZI 9 EYES---------- >>> 9 Eye Dzi is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among jewelry and accessories on the clothing of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to assemble their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase primarily a nine-eyed Dzi bead. Reputation and fame >>> This 9-eye Dzi bead attracts the attention of the public and brings its owner great fame and popularity in society. With such fame and good reputation, the owner of the 9-eye Dzi bead is able to achieve material success and well-being much easier. The more popular a person gains, the more material wealth he can get at his disposal. >>> It is this quality that attracts the success and fame of this Tibetan bead Dzi 9 eyes so highly appreciated by all who seek to become a pop star and gain great popularity. In addition, enhancing your reputation is a very valuable quality both for politicians and for doing business in a business environment. Therefore, the 9-eyed bead Dzi is suitable for representatives of these circles of society. -----Dzi 9 virtues----- >>> In addition to the ability of the Dzi 9 eye bead to bring widespread popularity to its owner, it has many more wonderful qualities. The 9 eyes of this bead symbolize the essence of all 9 planets of our solar system. The number "9" in Buddhism is the number of completeness and completeness. It is believed that this Dzi brings its owner all kinds of luck and gives advantages in life, which are expressed in the following 9 advantages and abilities: 1/The ability to achieve triumphal victories. 2/The ability to protect yourself, people and your business from possible adversities and dangers. 3/The acquisition of wide fame and popularity among the public. 4/Gaining self-esteem and dignity. 5/Compassion and mercy for people. 6/The acquisition of power, strength and power in society. 7/Authority and competence in the field in which the person works, achieving great authority and leadership positions. 8/The ability to both self-control and good control and management of those people and enterprises that this person manages. 9/Achieving high reputation, fame. >>> As can be seen from the above, the Dzi bead 9 eyes is especially suitable for those people who seek to achieve fame, fame and great popularity among the public. These qualities, along with the ability to manage their affairs well, make it possible to achieve a high position in society and a good level of income. >>> Dzi 9-eyed bead is well-suited for businessmen, politicians and public figures and cultural figures. It favors those who need a good image and high reputation. The 9-eye Dzi bead is especially good for people in leadership positions, business owners and managers, leaders of social movements and political parties.

編號 82133549

5顆“藏紅花”天珠(39毫米) - 和尚加持 + 書法 - 5/6/7/8/9 眼睛:“神奇五”- 43 g

5顆“藏紅花”天珠(39毫米) - 和尚加持 + 書法 - 5/6/7/8/9 眼睛:“神奇五”- 43 g

>>>All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
>>>CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): https://youtu.be/nyH3jYXSar4
>>>CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuRI8ihEIU&t=341s
SAFFRON DZI (or Lama Dzi) refers to the color of those Dzi.
>>> A wide variety of colours, ranging from a slightly orange yellow to a deep orange red, all simply called saffron, are closely associated with Hinduism and Buddhism, and are commonly worn by monks and holy men across Asia.
>>> Buddhist monks in the Theravada tradition typically wear saffron robes (although occasionally maroon — the color normally worn by Vajrayana Buddhist monks). The tone of saffron typically worn by Theravada Buddhist monks is the lighter tone of saffron.
----------DZI 5 EYES----------
>>>The 5-eye Dzi bead is a talisman of wealth. The 5 eyes of Dzi represent the five gods of wealth who bring wealth to human life in many ways. Dzi 5 eyes is a talisman that brings the owner more money, good luck in business, leads to wealth, prosperity and longevity. Therefore, it is very suitable for those who seek monetary gain, especially by earning through multiple sources of income.
-----Five Gods of Wealth-----
>>> The gods of wealth are different aspects of Dzambala - the god of wealth and prosperity. These incarnations of Dzambala bring wealth in many ways. Consider the five areas of wealth.
-Green Dzambala. Promotes success, fulfillment of desires, gaining wealth. Helps to eradicate bad signs and other obstacles to wealth. This god is the main of the 5 gods of wealth.
-White Dzambala. Eliminates disease and suffering, helps get rid of poverty and karmic misconduct. Prevents disasters and contributes to the accumulation of wealth.
-Yellow Dzambala. Promotes luck, increases wisdom, virtues and longevity. Increases intelligence, contributes to the receipt of material and spiritual wealth.
-Red Dzambala. It gives a high social position, can help in harmonizing family relationships. It also helps to increase the amount of money, valuables and products.
-Black Dzambala. Eliminates grievances, prevents theft, fraud and other barriers that interfere with the receipt of benefits in some kind of money matters.
>>> In addition to helping to acquire wealth, the 5-eye Dzi bead helps in gaining wisdom, happiness and prosperity in all areas of life. The 5-eyed Dzi symbolizes the five Dhyani Buddhas. These are not different Buddhas, these are 5 qualities of wisdom.
-----Five types of wisdom-----
-Comprehensive wisdom - the ability to know the truth, reality and its laws.
-The wisdom of the mirror is the ability to perceive the world not being attached to things, but as to a mirror, only reflecting everything that happens in it.
-The wisdom of equality is the same attitude towards everything, paying equal attention to all things and phenomena.
-The wisdom of discrimination is the ability to analyze, distinguish things and phenomena from each other, but at the same time see a holistic picture of the world.
-The wisdom of accomplishment is the ability to accumulate experience and act on the basis of it, knowing how to act.
>>> Thanks to such a comprehensive and deep immersion in aspects of wisdom, the Dzi bead 5 eyes is one of the strongest Tibetan beads to acquire this important quality.
----------DRAGON EYE DZI----------(6 Eyes)
>>> The dragon eye bead Dzi has the power of the Buddhist six syllable mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum". Each eye of this Dzi personifies one of the syllables of this mantra. In addition, the eye of the dragon Dzi carries the power of a mythical creature - the dragon.
>>> Bead Dzi dragon eyes helps overcome negative forces, cope with enemies and competitors. It helps in learning, preserves, maintains the welfare of its owner and allows you to gain wealth in the material world and make spiritual achievements.
-----The meaning of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum-----
>>> The dragon eye's bead Dzi is the embodied sound of the great mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. By reciting this mantra aloud to oneself or to oneself, or even using the spinning drum where this mantra is written, a person receives friendly attention and blessing from the Buddha of compassion Chenrezing. That is the name of this Buddha in Tibet. In Sanskrit, he is known as the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and in China as Kuan Yin.
>>> The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra contains all the teachings of Buddha. And therefore, it is almost impossible to translate into any phrase or sentence. Allegorically, it is translated as "Pearl shining in a lotus flower." Each syllable of this mantra has its own sacred meaning.
The six syllables of the "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum" hum mantra contain the perfection of six paramitas:
The first syllable “Om” of blessings glorifies us in order to achieve excellence in the practice of charity.
The syllable “Ma" helps to improve practice in achieving purity of morality, ethics and awareness.
"No" helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance.
“Pad” helps to achieve perfection in perseverance.
“Me” is the achievement of perfection in the practice of concentration and meditation.
“Hum” is the achievement of excellence in the practice of wisdom.
>>> The repetition of this mantra, symbolically depicted on the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, helps to achieve perfection in these six practices from generosity to wisdom. In this way the Buddha went to his enlightenment. The same path is also relevant at present for those who wish to achieve enlightenment and get out of a continuous series of births and deaths.
>>> The six syllables of the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra also help get rid of the suffering that awaits us at the six levels of being.
"Om" - clears from the neurotic attachment to bliss and from pride.
"Ma" - from jealousy and thirst for entertainment.
"None" - from passions and desires.
"Pad" - from stupidity and prejudice.
"Me" - from an irresistible thirst for possessiveness.
"Hum" - from anger and hatred.
>>> Thus, by practicing this mantra one can transform an imperfect body, speech and mind into a pure body, speech and perfect mind of Buddha. You can read more about 6 paramit and six levels of being in the article on the Dzi bead of 6 eyes.
Watch this video with the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra and you can start your practice by chanting or reciting this mantra aloud or to yourself.
-----Application of Dzi Dragon Eye Bead-----
>>> In the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, each syllable of the six syllable mantra Om Mane Padme Hum represents a peculiar pattern that represents the dragon's eye. It also gives this Dzi bead the power contained in such a mythical creature as a dragon.
>>> On this Dzi dragon eye, only eyes are represented, so this bead does not possess all the power of this creature. However, this Dzi carries some qualities of a Dzi Dragon bead. Of the dragon qualities, this bead gives the ability to see and overcome obstacles, helps fight negative forces and contributes to the accumulation of wealth.
>>> The Tibetan bead Dzi dragon eye is a great helper for those who want to follow the path that Buddha walked to get out of the trap of this material world and achieve enlightenment. It helps to get rid of everything that prevents the achievement of this state and helps to reach the intended goal.
>>> Also, the Dzi eye bead of the dragon’s eye helps to cope with obstacles in life, helps to improve karma and the accumulation of wealth. Wear this Dzi and achieve prosperity both in the material world and in the spiritual!
----------DZI 7 EYES----------
>>>A 7-eye Dzi bead favors seven different aspirations in life. These are aspirations in career growth, achieving wealth, prosperity, longevity, improving relationships, gaining recognition and self-improvement. Wearing this bead allows you to achieve success at work and in your personal life, strengthens your health and harmonizes the condition of a person.
-----The healing properties of Dzi beads-----
>>>Tibetan bead Dzi 7 eyes symbolizes the constellation Ursa Major. The 7 eyes of Dzi beads represent 7 stars from this constellation. In Tibet, they believe that Ursa Major is a manifestation of the seven Buddhas of medicine.
>>>The main task of these seven Buddhas is to free all living beings from diseases of an external and internal nature. The main Buddha of medicine, or medicine guru, is depicted with a blue body, which symbolizes wisdom and the fact that it is an emanation of the healing power of all Buddhas. In his left hand he holds a bowl filled with healing nectar, and in his right-hand squeezes a medicinal plant.
>>>The Buddha of medicine helps a person to awaken the bodily and psychic powers that we can use to heal ourselves and help other people. These are not some external forces that help us, this is what is inside us, in our consciousness. These are the dormant forces that can be awakened by meditation, awareness of the moment “now”, visualization and other spiritual practices.
>>>Upon awakening, this inner source exerts tremendous healing power. It opens the reserves of the human body and spirit and is able to fully reveal the true personal potential of a person. Tibetan bead Dzi 7 eyes helps in unlocking this inner potential.
-----Practical benefit-----
>>>Due to its amazing qualities, Dzi Bead 7 eyes is one of the most popular Tibetan beads. And every person striving for self-improvement should have it in his collection. Of course, in itself, nothing happens without working on oneself. But when wearing the 7th eye, Dzi beads accomplishments are easier than without her help.
>>>Wearing it brings great abundance and good luck in business. This 7-eye Dzi is good for starting new business. At the same time, revenues increase and the needs of its owner are most fully satisfied. It makes the path to achieving the goal more smooth and calm.
>>>This 7-eyed Dzi is useful both in the social aspects of a person’s life and also benefits its owner. Social aspects are work, business, family, relationships in the team and gaining fame in society. And it helps the person himself, bringing him health and longevity and helps to reveal the internal reserves of the body.
>>>Such a wide spectrum of action of this bead explains its popularity.
----------DZI 8 EYES----------
>>>Bead Dzi 8 eyes helps its owner to avoid various disasters and tragedies, protects against accidents and blows of fate. With her, everyday life becomes safer and calmer. The protective function of this Tibetan Dzi bead is due to the fact that its owner receives help and blessing from 8 Bodhisattvas, which protect him from various types of troubles. The 8 eyes of Dzi are a symbol of the eight Buddhist treasures.
----------8 Precious Buddhist Symbols----------
sanskrit : अष्टमंगल, tibetan : བཀྲ་ཤིས་རྟགས་བརྒྱད་, traditional chinese: 佛門八寶 denotes a group of eight (ashta) auspicious symbols (mangala) in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. The nature and order of the elements may vary. The list most widely disseminated in the 21st century is that of Buddhism, particularly visible in the vajrayāna.
1 >>>The white shell, spiraling to the right, symbolizes the deep, far-reaching and melodic sounds of the Dharma (the doctrine of the universal laws of being). These sounds awaken from a deep sleep of ignorance, paving the way for liberation.
2 >>>The precious umbrella symbolizes the protection of people from disease, suffering, harmful influences and various obstacles in this life. He also personifies the pleasure and enjoyment of the coolness of being in this blessed shadow of an umbrella.
3 >>>The victory banner symbolizes the victory of the Buddha over the obstacles to enlightenment. These obstacles are fear of death, negative emotions, pride, and desires that dominate people.
4 >>>Goldfish symbolizes the benefit of all living things. These are states of fearless and joyful sailing without fear of drowning in the ocean of samsara - the ocean of suffering. This condition makes it as easy to move from place to place, as a fish swims freely in the water.
5 >>>Wheel of Dharma or wheel of the Law. Symbolizes Gautam Buddha and the doctrine of the universal laws of life. By spinning this golden wheel of teaching in all worlds, Buddhas help all beings get rid of ignorance and suffering from ignorance, as well as experience joy from good deeds and liberation.
6 >>>The endless knot symbolizes the interdependence of religious doctrines and secular affairs. He also represents the union of wisdom and compassion. This is a symbol of the highest unity of everything and the Buddhist teaching on interpenetration is laid in it.
7 >>>The lotus flower symbolizes the complete cleansing of all impurities of both the body, speech and mind. It is a symbol of purity and renunciation.
8 >>>The precious vase symbolizes the endless stream of long life, health, wealth, prosperity and all the blessings of this world.
>>>In the Buddhist tradition, the eight auspicious signs form the body of Buddha. the parasol represents his head, the two fish his eyes, the vase his neck, the lotus his tongue, the golden wheel his feet, the banner of victory his body, the conch his word, the endless knot his spirit.
----------Dzi Bead Application----------
>>>8 good symbols of Tibet, expressed in a Dzi bead of 8 eyes, fill and harmonize a person, help him overcome obstacles, and also give strength in solving all life problems. Her wearing helps protect against possible disasters and life's troubles. She helps her owner in finding and following her true life path. At the same time, a calm of the mind is achieved, which is no longer filled with the deliberation of the problems that have fallen, but calmly solves the problems associated with the realization of life goals.
>>>The Dzi 8-eye bead becomes especially relevant during the Feng-Shui 8 period (2004-2024). During this period, she provides the strongest support due to the number "8". During this period, many negative problems can be turned in a good direction.
----------DZI 9 EYES----------
>>> 9 Eye Dzi is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among jewelry and accessories on the clothing of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to assemble their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase primarily a nine-eyed Dzi bead.
Reputation and fame
>>> This 9-eye Dzi bead attracts the attention of the public and brings its owner great fame and popularity in society. With such fame and good reputation, the owner of the 9-eye Dzi bead is able to achieve material success and well-being much easier. The more popular a person gains, the more material wealth he can get at his disposal.
>>> It is this quality that attracts the success and fame of this Tibetan bead Dzi 9 eyes so highly appreciated by all who seek to become a pop star and gain great popularity. In addition, enhancing your reputation is a very valuable quality both for politicians and for doing business in a business environment. Therefore, the 9-eyed bead Dzi is suitable for representatives of these circles of society.
-----Dzi 9 virtues-----
>>> In addition to the ability of the Dzi 9 eye bead to bring widespread popularity to its owner, it has many more wonderful qualities. The 9 eyes of this bead symbolize the essence of all 9 planets of our solar system. The number "9" in Buddhism is the number of completeness and completeness.
It is believed that this Dzi brings its owner all kinds of luck and gives advantages in life, which are expressed in the following 9 advantages and abilities:
1/The ability to achieve triumphal victories.
2/The ability to protect yourself, people and your business from possible adversities and dangers.
3/The acquisition of wide fame and popularity among the public.
4/Gaining self-esteem and dignity.
5/Compassion and mercy for people.
6/The acquisition of power, strength and power in society.
7/Authority and competence in the field in which the person works, achieving great authority and leadership positions.
8/The ability to both self-control and good control and management of those people and enterprises that this person manages.
9/Achieving high reputation, fame.
>>> As can be seen from the above, the Dzi bead 9 eyes is especially suitable for those people who seek to achieve fame, fame and great popularity among the public. These qualities, along with the ability to manage their affairs well, make it possible to achieve a high position in society and a good level of income.
>>> Dzi 9-eyed bead is well-suited for businessmen, politicians and public figures and cultural figures. It favors those who need a good image and high reputation. The 9-eye Dzi bead is especially good for people in leadership positions, business owners and managers, leaders of social movements and political parties.






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