Studio Aesse presenta: subasta de Matthias Hellemans

Matthias Hellemans, an abstract and figurative artist with words and paint, presents his first solo show in cooperation with Studio Aesse. ‘Bruised Perfection: privileged disgusie’ is on view from February 26 until March 7 2021 in the gallery Studio Aesse ‘Bruised Perfection: privileged disguise’ is accompanied by a poem, written by Matthias Hellemans himself, and can be found in the gallery space of Studio Aesse and on their website

Matthias Hellemans, an abstract and figurative artist with words and paint, presents his first solo show in cooperation with Studio Aesse. ‘Bruised Perfection: privileged disgusie’ is on view from February 26 until March 7 2021 in the gallery Studio Aesse ‘Bruised Perfection: privileged disguise’ is accompanied by a poem, written by Matthias Hellemans himself, and can be found in the gallery space of Studio Aesse and on their website

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