N. 76984825

Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli - Movie Guide Book
Offerta finale
€ 3
33 settimane fa

Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli - Movie Guide Book

Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli Movie Guide book - About the Movie Guide book : The Movie Guide book contains very details information for create the legendary movie Princess Mononoke from studio Ghibli, including the inspiration of the drawing styles, geographical, anthropological knowledge, voice actor and the artistic profound thoughts from members of Ghibli studio, a must collect piece for Princess Mononoke lover - Condition : The Movie Guide book is in vintage good condition, there are imperfection of it, please see photos - Size: 25.4 x 24.3 x 0.4 mm -Shipment : Will be packed with care and shipped with BOX to ensure the best quality for long distance shipment, EMS or Private company's express service may apply due to the bidding result - We select the special and rare scene for the auction, also with good combination, follow us for more Studio Ghibli collections Enjoy!

N. 76984825

Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli - Movie Guide Book

Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli - Movie Guide Book

Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli Movie Guide book

- About the Movie Guide book :

The Movie Guide book contains very details information for create the legendary movie Princess Mononoke from studio Ghibli, including the inspiration of the drawing styles, geographical, anthropological knowledge, voice actor and the artistic profound thoughts from members of Ghibli studio, a must collect piece for Princess Mononoke lover

- Condition :

The Movie Guide book is in vintage good condition, there are imperfection of it, please see photos

- Size:

25.4 x 24.3 x 0.4 mm

-Shipment :

Will be packed with care and shipped with BOX to ensure the best quality for long distance shipment, EMS or Private company's express service may apply due to the bidding result

- We select the special and rare scene for the auction, also with good combination, follow us for more Studio Ghibli collections


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