N. 77067681

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Granchio fossile di grandi dimensioni (Potamon) della migliore qualità conservato in travertino - - Carapace fossile
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33 settimane fa

Granchio fossile di grandi dimensioni (Potamon) della migliore qualità conservato in travertino - - Carapace fossile

Scientific name: Potamon sp. Crab Location: Denizli Basin, Southwest Turkey Geological Formation: Travertine Deposits of Denizli Basin Age: Pleistocene ( years) Size: 7cm - Plate: 17cm x 12cm x 5,5cm REF.: A67 DESCRIPTION: This is a spectacular fossil freshwater crab (Potamon sp.) preserved in travertine from the Denizli Basin in Southwest Turkey. The crab exhibits amazingly detailed, 3d preservation. It's totally coated and preserved as a three-dimensional outer cast within a natural cavity of a white travertine matrix. It is covered by an inorganic film of calcium carbonate. Travertine is a type of limestone that forms around mineral springs. It is often quarried for use as a building material, and that is how these crabs were discovered, during the quarrying of the stone slabs. The travertine deposits in the Denizli Basin are Pleistocene in age, having been formed within the past 400,000 years. All our items are accompanied by their corresponding Certificate of Authenticity.

N. 77067681

Non più disponibile
Granchio fossile di grandi dimensioni (Potamon) della migliore qualità conservato in travertino - - Carapace fossile

Granchio fossile di grandi dimensioni (Potamon) della migliore qualità conservato in travertino - - Carapace fossile

Scientific name: Potamon sp. Crab

Location: Denizli Basin, Southwest Turkey

Geological Formation: Travertine Deposits of Denizli Basin

Age: Pleistocene ( years)

Size: 7cm - Plate: 17cm x 12cm x 5,5cm

REF.: A67

This is a spectacular fossil freshwater crab (Potamon sp.) preserved in travertine from the Denizli Basin in Southwest Turkey. The crab exhibits amazingly detailed, 3d preservation. It's totally coated and preserved as a three-dimensional outer cast within a natural cavity of a white travertine matrix. It is covered by an inorganic film of calcium carbonate.

Travertine is a type of limestone that forms around mineral springs. It is often quarried for use as a building material, and that is how these crabs were discovered, during the quarrying of the stone slabs. The travertine deposits in the Denizli Basin are Pleistocene in age, having been formed within the past 400,000 years.

All our items are accompanied by their corresponding Certificate of Authenticity.

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