N. 77178333

Non più disponibile
Specchio (1)  - Argento
Offerte chiuse
34 settimane fa

Specchio (1) - Argento

Good condition - barely used with minimal signs of aging & wear - 613 gr Antique Ottoman Style Turkish .900 Hallmarked Silver Mirror -Big size Dimension : 20x 15x 1 cm This mirror making mathod logic using 900 silver back and front side filling with metal beetwen front and back with using talent Turkish craftsman. Turkish wall mirror with metal chain, handcrafted in Turkey. Incredibly elegant and beautiful piece. Decorated at the back with beautiful wavy, trees and floral motifs in carefully crafted details. In very good condition. This Turkish 900 silver wall mirror is a traditional piece, included in the dowry of each bride. The side of the mirror is designed to be facing the wall when not in use, to show the decorative back. This lot will be shipped via express cargo option and delivery time appx 3 days

N. 77178333

Non più disponibile
Specchio (1)  - Argento

Specchio (1) - Argento

Good condition - barely used with minimal signs of aging & wear - 613 gr
Antique Ottoman Style Turkish .900 Hallmarked Silver Mirror -Big size

Dimension : 20x 15x 1 cm

This mirror making mathod logic using 900 silver back and front side filling with metal beetwen front and back with using talent Turkish craftsman. Turkish wall mirror with metal chain, handcrafted in Turkey.
Incredibly elegant and beautiful piece. Decorated at the back with beautiful wavy, trees and floral motifs in carefully crafted details.

In very good condition.

This Turkish 900 silver wall mirror is a traditional piece, included in the dowry of each bride. The side of the mirror is designed to be facing the wall when not in use, to show the decorative back.

This lot will be shipped via express cargo option and delivery time appx 3 days

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