N. 77383629

Gregorian - Antiphonary page on vellum "Saint Michael the Archangel Communion" - 1590
Offerta finale
€ 100
32 settimane fa

Gregorian - Antiphonary page on vellum "Saint Michael the Archangel Communion" - 1590

Very large Gregorian antiphonary page from the 16th/ 17th century. A superb piece on vellum (calfskin) hand-painted in black, red and blue with an intricately decorated capital letter B. It is page 320 with a Communion for the Archangel Saint Michael starting "Benedicite omnes Angeli Domini" - Bless all the angels of god - a famous Gregorian chant. Due to the large size of the page and the expensive material (vellum), it most likely comes from an Antiphonary that belonged to an important and wealthy church or abbey. 56,5 X 38,2 60,5 X 42 cm framed Overall good condition consistent with age and beautifully framed. Not only a very decorative and unique piece but also a stunning antique object full of history and character.

N. 77383629

Gregorian - Antiphonary page on vellum "Saint Michael the Archangel Communion" - 1590

Gregorian - Antiphonary page on vellum "Saint Michael the Archangel Communion" - 1590

Very large Gregorian antiphonary page from the 16th/ 17th century. A superb piece on vellum (calfskin) hand-painted in black, red and blue with an intricately decorated capital letter B. It is page 320 with a Communion for the Archangel Saint Michael starting "Benedicite omnes Angeli Domini" - Bless all the angels of god - a famous Gregorian chant. Due to the large size of the page and the expensive material (vellum), it most likely comes from an Antiphonary that belonged to an important and wealthy church or abbey.

56,5 X 38,2
60,5 X 42 cm framed

Overall good condition consistent with age and beautifully framed. Not only a very decorative and unique piece but also a stunning antique object full of history and character.

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