N. 80078663

Non più disponibile
SIDERITE e dolomite su FERBERITE e QUARZO trasparente (combinazione classica) - Altezza: 6.5 cm - Larghezza: 11.8 cm- 550 g - (1)
Offerte chiuse
20 settimane fa

SIDERITE e dolomite su FERBERITE e QUARZO trasparente (combinazione classica) - Altezza: 6.5 cm - Larghezza: 11.8 cm- 550 g - (1)

A nice cabinet piece from this Renowned Sn-W deposit. This specimen features creamy siderite and minor dolomite covering a plate of smooth, sharp, ice clear quartz and fairly lustrous ferberite crystals with minor chlorite coatings on their base. The ferberite is nicely disseminated all throughout the piece, as seen on its base, but it only shows itself on the left hand side of the specimen as two nice, lustrous tabular striated crystals. Definitely, though, the horizontal quartz crystal is what gives this piece that extra something, laying on top of the otherwise normal druse to create a statuesque triangular composition that features a little cavern with quartz walls and a siderite floor that really reminds me of one of those moss carpet aquascapes. Additional notes should be made about the formation of minor septering and reverse septering in the quartz and the appearance of an exfoliated siderite crystal with clear signs of a dissolution and regrowth stage that appear with in the crystal as a number of pores that follow a discoidal outline. A very nice piece, to be sure, with a clean, broken-off base, making it freestanding with only peripheral damage, all of it being clean and not terribly distracting. Purchased from a friend close to the mine

N. 80078663

Non più disponibile
SIDERITE e dolomite su FERBERITE e QUARZO trasparente (combinazione classica) - Altezza: 6.5 cm - Larghezza: 11.8 cm- 550 g - (1)

SIDERITE e dolomite su FERBERITE e QUARZO trasparente (combinazione classica) - Altezza: 6.5 cm - Larghezza: 11.8 cm- 550 g - (1)

A nice cabinet piece from this Renowned Sn-W deposit. This specimen features creamy siderite and minor dolomite covering a plate of smooth, sharp, ice clear quartz and fairly lustrous ferberite crystals with minor chlorite coatings on their base. The ferberite is nicely disseminated all throughout the piece, as seen on its base, but it only shows itself on the left hand side of the specimen as two nice, lustrous tabular striated crystals. Definitely, though, the horizontal quartz crystal is what gives this piece that extra something, laying on top of the otherwise normal druse to create a statuesque triangular composition that features a little cavern with quartz walls and a siderite floor that really reminds me of one of those moss carpet aquascapes. Additional notes should be made about the formation of minor septering and reverse septering in the quartz and the appearance of an exfoliated siderite crystal with clear signs of a dissolution and regrowth stage that appear with in the crystal as a number of pores that follow a discoidal outline. A very nice piece, to be sure, with a clean, broken-off base, making it freestanding with only peripheral damage, all of it being clean and not terribly distracting.

Purchased from a friend close to the mine

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