N. 80647051

Non più disponibile
NUOVA MESOSIDERITE NWA 15032 , Autentica rarità, solo 3 kg trovati nel mondo!!!! - 92 g
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21 settimane fa

NUOVA MESOSIDERITE NWA 15032 , Autentica rarità, solo 3 kg trovati nel mondo!!!! - 92 g

Beautiful piece of iron-stony meteorite, mesosiderite type, with a nice size and shape. On the surface we can observe different olivines, metals and crust. Unique piece to add to the best meteorite collections, as it is a real rarity. Mesosiderites are iron-stony meteorites formed by the impact normally of a body of metallic nature against a rocky body, so that, after the impact, the materials mix. Some studies suggest that the impact occurred with asteroid Vesta, from which meteorites called ‘HED’ (Howardite, Eucrite, Diogenite) come. At Expometeoritos, we take care of dissemination, talks, workshops, analyses, classification and exhibitions of meteorites. We are members of: .- IMCA (International Meteorite Collectors Association) #8187 .- Meteoritical Society .- American Meteor Society All our pieces are certified and, if the value of the piece is over €300, we also provide its chemical composition analysis, carried out in our facilities by X-ray spectrography.

N. 80647051

Non più disponibile
NUOVA MESOSIDERITE NWA 15032 , Autentica rarità, solo 3 kg trovati nel mondo!!!! - 92 g

NUOVA MESOSIDERITE NWA 15032 , Autentica rarità, solo 3 kg trovati nel mondo!!!! - 92 g

Beautiful piece of iron-stony meteorite, mesosiderite type, with a nice size and shape.

On the surface we can observe different olivines, metals and crust.

Unique piece to add to the best meteorite collections, as it is a real rarity.

Mesosiderites are iron-stony meteorites formed by the impact normally of a body of metallic nature against a rocky body, so that, after the impact, the materials mix.

Some studies suggest that the impact occurred with asteroid Vesta, from which meteorites called ‘HED’ (Howardite, Eucrite, Diogenite) come.

At Expometeoritos, we take care of dissemination, talks, workshops, analyses, classification and exhibitions of meteorites.

We are members of:
.- IMCA (International Meteorite Collectors Association) #8187
.- Meteoritical Society
.- American Meteor Society

All our pieces are certified and, if the value of the piece is over €300, we also provide its chemical composition analysis, carried out in our facilities by X-ray spectrography.

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