N. 82173503

Non più disponibile
Ciotola (2) - Blu e bianco - Porcellana - SE Asian Market - Cina - Periodo repubblica (1912-1949)
Offerte chiuse
13 settimane fa

Ciotola (2) - Blu e bianco - Porcellana - SE Asian Market - Cina - Periodo repubblica (1912-1949)

Top Quality republic lidded bowls. Marked with a leaf. A very unusual decoration of dragons and Lychee fruit. Lychee The Lychee or Lichee is best known for its white juicy fruit from late summer; the flesh of the fruit surrounds a large, gnarled kernel. In art it symbolizes summer and a wish for children. The latter wish gives it a role in the marriage celebration. If lychees are combined with water chestnuts they symbolize cleverness. Condition; Lid 1 Perfect, 1 small firing flaw only to inside rim. Bowl 1, Perfect, 1 small firing flaw only to inside rim. Lid 2 Perfect, 1 firing flaw inside and an area with some different coloring. Bowl 2 1 chip with small restuck piece and 2 tiny lines. 1 more small chip and 2 firing flaws. Bowls approx. 228x87mm DXH Lids approx. 216x52mm

N. 82173503

Non più disponibile
Ciotola (2) - Blu e bianco - Porcellana - SE Asian Market - Cina - Periodo repubblica (1912-1949)

Ciotola (2) - Blu e bianco - Porcellana - SE Asian Market - Cina - Periodo repubblica (1912-1949)

Top Quality republic lidded bowls. Marked with a leaf. A very unusual decoration of dragons and Lychee fruit.


The Lychee or Lichee is best known for its white juicy fruit from late summer; the flesh of the fruit surrounds a large, gnarled kernel. In art it symbolizes summer and a wish for children. The latter wish gives it a role in the marriage celebration. If lychees are combined with water chestnuts they symbolize cleverness.


Lid 1 Perfect, 1 small firing flaw only to inside rim. Bowl 1, Perfect, 1 small firing flaw only to inside rim. Lid 2 Perfect, 1 firing flaw inside and an area with some different coloring. Bowl 2 1 chip with small restuck piece and 2 tiny lines. 1 more small chip and 2 firing flaws. Bowls approx. 228x87mm DXH Lids approx. 216x52mm

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