N. 82716779

Ciotola grande Famille Verte con terra blu polvere "Nobili occupazioni" - Marchio Kangxi - Porcellana - Cina - XIX-XX secolo
Offerta finale
€ 617
13 settimane fa

Ciotola grande Famille Verte con terra blu polvere "Nobili occupazioni" - Marchio Kangxi - Porcellana - Cina - XIX-XX secolo

A fine and large Famille Verte and Powder Blue ground with three medallions depicting fishermen and farmers, traders, woodsmen and probably scholars working inside a studio. The interior glazed white. These "Noble occupations" Shi Nong Gong Shang was an occupation classification used in ancient China by either Confucian or Legalist scholars as far back as the late Zhou dynasty (Wikipedia). W 23.6 cm H 9 cm Provenance : Private Collection Copenhagen/Denmark The bowl is in overall good condition. Some fine old proffesionel repairs/filling of fritting to the rim. No hairlines and the bowl sounds beautiful when tapped.

N. 82716779

Ciotola grande Famille Verte con terra blu polvere "Nobili occupazioni" - Marchio Kangxi - Porcellana - Cina - XIX-XX secolo

Ciotola grande Famille Verte con terra blu polvere "Nobili occupazioni" - Marchio Kangxi - Porcellana - Cina - XIX-XX secolo

A fine and large Famille Verte and Powder Blue ground with three medallions depicting fishermen and farmers, traders, woodsmen and probably scholars working inside a studio. The interior glazed white. These "Noble occupations" Shi Nong Gong Shang was an occupation classification used in ancient China by either Confucian or Legalist scholars as far back as the late Zhou dynasty (Wikipedia).

W 23.6 cm
H 9 cm

Provenance : Private Collection Copenhagen/Denmark

The bowl is in overall good condition. Some fine old proffesionel repairs/filling of fritting to the rim. No hairlines and the bowl sounds beautiful when tapped.

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