N. 83893079

Mortaio pesante in bronzo, "Hispano Moresque", caucasico? - Bronzo - Caucaso - XV-XVI secolo
Offerta finale
€ 5
8 settimane fa

Mortaio pesante in bronzo, "Hispano Moresque", caucasico? - Bronzo - Caucaso - XV-XVI secolo

A little but heavy (1.105 g.) bronze mortar, with a nice smooth dark brown to black patina all over. Has two prominent handles on either side, and an additional ten more fins or flanges spread equidistant around the body. This type of elegant mortars is sometimes described as Hispano-Moresque dating back to the 15th-16th century, But they often do also appear also through the Ottoman Empire and Caucasus.. This one was found at an antiquarian shop in Creta,Greece, years ago, so nothing concrete can be said about age and provenance Has a cust imperfection on the rib, but its overall condition is excellent given the age and use. Measures 10 x 13 x 8,5cm and weighs 1.105 g. Will be send in a registered parcel by Hellenic Post. (E.S.P. is a Dr of Prehistoric Archaeology and Ethnology and a passionate collector of tribal arts mainly from the South Seas)

N. 83893079

Mortaio pesante in bronzo, "Hispano Moresque", caucasico? - Bronzo - Caucaso - XV-XVI secolo

Mortaio pesante in bronzo, "Hispano Moresque", caucasico? - Bronzo - Caucaso - XV-XVI secolo

A little but heavy (1.105 g.) bronze mortar, with a nice smooth dark brown to black patina all over. Has two prominent handles on either side, and an additional ten more fins or flanges spread equidistant around the body.
This type of elegant mortars is sometimes described as Hispano-Moresque dating back to the 15th-16th century, But they often do also appear also through the Ottoman Empire and Caucasus..
This one was found at an antiquarian shop in Creta,Greece, years ago, so nothing concrete can be said about age and provenance
Has a cust imperfection on the rib, but its overall condition is excellent given the age and use.
Measures 10 x 13 x 8,5cm and weighs 1.105 g.

Will be send in a registered parcel by Hellenic Post.

(E.S.P. is a Dr of Prehistoric Archaeology and Ethnology and a passionate collector of tribal arts mainly from the South Seas)

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