N. 83937091

Yaqin - Preamplificatore fono valvolare/valvola MS-12b Preamplificatore
Offerta finale
€ 250
9 settimane fa

Yaqin - Preamplificatore fono valvolare/valvola MS-12b Preamplificatore

YAQIN MS-12B Phono Pre-Amplifier Beautiful milled aluminium chassis this preamplifier has NOT even been run in properly. They require a around 15 hours to get that full valve potential. She really is comparible to much , much more expensive pre amplifiers Please know what you see in the photos is what you will receive and also the tubes will need replacing every 200 to 300 hours and these items are used and do not carry any guarantees or warranties. Please read online reviews as they are very positive and will enable you to see the absolute value in this item *Tubes: 12AU7×2 ,12AX7B×2 *Output Level: 0.25V / 0.7V *Input Level: CD/DVD75Db (A)1KHZ, RIAA>65Db (A)1KHZ *Harmony distorted: CD/DVD RIAA *Length 360mmx Height 180mmx Depth 460mm *Weight: 6.5kg

N. 83937091

Yaqin - Preamplificatore fono valvolare/valvola MS-12b Preamplificatore

Yaqin - Preamplificatore fono valvolare/valvola MS-12b Preamplificatore

YAQIN MS-12B Phono Pre-Amplifier
Beautiful milled aluminium chassis this preamplifier has NOT even been run in properly. They require a around 15 hours to get that full valve potential. She really is comparible to much , much more expensive pre amplifiers
Please know what you see in the photos is what you will receive and also the tubes will need replacing every 200 to 300 hours and these items are used and do not carry any guarantees or warranties. Please read online reviews as they are very positive and will enable you to see the absolute value in this item

*Tubes: 12AU7×2 ,12AX7B×2
*Output Level: 0.25V / 0.7V
*Input Level: CD/DVD75Db (A)1KHZ, RIAA>65Db (A)1KHZ
*Harmony distorted: CD/DVD RIAA
*Length 360mmx Height 180mmx Depth 460mm
*Weight: 6.5kg

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