N. 83946985

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Shergottite molto fresca con tessitura diabasica ricca di olivina Taglio finale di NWA 16322 - 17.82 g - (1)
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8 settimane fa

Shergottite molto fresca con tessitura diabasica ricca di olivina Taglio finale di NWA 16322 - 17.82 g - (1)

Mars Rock - SNC (shergottite) NWA 16322 Mars meteorites, infinitely rarer than diamonds or gold, rank among Earth's most exotic substances. Scientists have long suspected that a select group of unusual meteorites, sharing similar characteristics, are fragments of Mars that made their way to Earth. The belief in a planetary origin led researchers to consider Venus or Mars as potential sources. Given Mars' lower gravity and thinner atmosphere, it would require less energy to eject specimens from the planet's surface. These unique meteorites were thought to originate from the Martian terrain. Then came the evidence! Many of these meteorites, including the current specimen, contain impact glass. Researchers discovered tiny bubbles inside these glassy meteorites, containing minute amounts of gas perfectly matching the signature of the Martian atmosphere, as detailed by NASA's Viking space probes. This specimen has been authenticated by scientists at the Meteoritical Society, the world's largest meteorite research organization, as a Martian basalt—a type of lava composed of olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar in the form of maskelynite. The formation of maskelynite requires immense heat and pressure, consistent with an impact event on Mars that could explain how this specimen found its way to Earth. Discovered by desert nomads in May 2013, this piece is exceptionally fresh, with a broad band of fusion crust resulting from frictional heating as it entered Earth's atmosphere. Featuring a coarse-grained diabasic texture, this Martian fragment contains prismatic clinopyroxene, maskelynite towers, and additional minerals like merrillite, apatite, ilmenite, and pyrrhotite. Highlighted pockets of shock fusion suggest interaction with a Martian atmosphere. #masterpieces

N. 83946985

Non più disponibile
Shergottite molto fresca con tessitura diabasica ricca di olivina Taglio finale di NWA 16322 - 17.82 g - (1)

Shergottite molto fresca con tessitura diabasica ricca di olivina Taglio finale di NWA 16322 - 17.82 g - (1)

Mars Rock - SNC (shergottite)
NWA 16322

Mars meteorites, infinitely rarer than diamonds or gold, rank among Earth's most exotic substances. Scientists have long suspected that a select group of unusual meteorites, sharing similar characteristics, are fragments of Mars that made their way to Earth. The belief in a planetary origin led researchers to consider Venus or Mars as potential sources. Given Mars' lower gravity and thinner atmosphere, it would require less energy to eject specimens from the planet's surface. These unique meteorites were thought to originate from the Martian terrain.

Then came the evidence! Many of these meteorites, including the current specimen, contain impact glass. Researchers discovered tiny bubbles inside these glassy meteorites, containing minute amounts of gas perfectly matching the signature of the Martian atmosphere, as detailed by NASA's Viking space probes.

This specimen has been authenticated by scientists at the Meteoritical Society, the world's largest meteorite research organization, as a Martian basalt—a type of lava composed of olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar in the form of maskelynite. The formation of maskelynite requires immense heat and pressure, consistent with an impact event on Mars that could explain how this specimen found its way to Earth.

Discovered by desert nomads in May 2013, this piece is exceptionally fresh, with a broad band of fusion crust resulting from frictional heating as it entered Earth's atmosphere. Featuring a coarse-grained diabasic texture, this Martian fragment contains prismatic clinopyroxene, maskelynite towers, and additional minerals like merrillite, apatite, ilmenite, and pyrrhotite. Highlighted pockets of shock fusion suggest interaction with a Martian atmosphere.


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