N. 84402397

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Fetta di Diogenite accoppiata a NWA 3143 Acondrite Meteorite - 21.9 g - (1)
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8 settimane fa

Fetta di Diogenite accoppiata a NWA 3143 Acondrite Meteorite - 21.9 g - (1)

Diogenites are a type of meteorite belonging to the class of achondrites, which means that they have a crystalline structure without the presence of chondrules (unmolten mineral grains). Diogenites take their name from the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope, and they were first identified in 1902. These meteorites are mainly composed of pyroxene, a mineral rich in magnesium and iron. Diogenites are often associated with so-called "hED" meteorites (howardites, eucrites, diogenites), which are fragments coming from a large parent body which has been differentiated, that is to say it has undergone separation into distinct layers of rock due to internal heat. Diogenites have provided important information on the composition and evolution of rocky planets, including Earth. The study of these meteorites contributes to our understanding of the formation of the solar system and the geological processes that have shaped celestial bodies over time.

N. 84402397

Non più disponibile
Fetta di Diogenite accoppiata a NWA 3143 Acondrite Meteorite - 21.9 g - (1)

Fetta di Diogenite accoppiata a NWA 3143 Acondrite Meteorite - 21.9 g - (1)

Diogenites are a type of meteorite belonging to the class of achondrites, which means that they have a crystalline structure without the presence of chondrules (unmolten mineral grains). Diogenites take their name from the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope, and they were first identified in 1902.

These meteorites are mainly composed of pyroxene, a mineral rich in magnesium and iron. Diogenites are often associated with so-called "hED" meteorites (howardites, eucrites, diogenites), which are fragments coming from a large parent body which has been differentiated, that is to say it has undergone separation into distinct layers of rock due to internal heat.

Diogenites have provided important information on the composition and evolution of rocky planets, including Earth. The study of these meteorites contributes to our understanding of the formation of the solar system and the geological processes that have shaped celestial bodies over time.

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