N. 84572809

Vanadinite (polisintetico e galleggiante) - Mibladen, Midelt, Marocco - Altezza: 2.8 cm - Larghezza: 2 cm- 13 g
Offerta finale
€ 48
7 settimane fa

Vanadinite (polisintetico e galleggiante) - Mibladen, Midelt, Marocco - Altezza: 2.8 cm - Larghezza: 2 cm- 13 g

Watch a video of this specimen by following the Vimeo link below: https://vimeo.com/950382138 Mibladen is known to be a geological anomaly, by far producing the best specimens vanadinite, a quite rare lead vanadate. What is lesser known is the actual wide diversity of crystal habits, growth facies, textures and colours that can be found in Mibladen! Here is a beautiful selected specimen from an unique and limited find in 2016: it displays an aggregate of heavily polysynthetic-polycrystalline edifices, that I assume to be marker of fast growth in a transitional mode between microcrystalline concretion (that also occurs in Mibladen) and coarse macrocrystals. You can indeed notice that sharp hexagonal subindividuals are actually stacked along a common C axis. The alternating offset is probably due to deformation accomodating competition growth stress between the contiguous edifices. Notice also the colour gradient of the crystals, ranging from orangeish red caps to golden orange along prism faces. Truly a special and unique miniature of vanadinite!

N. 84572809

Vanadinite (polisintetico e galleggiante) - Mibladen, Midelt, Marocco - Altezza: 2.8 cm - Larghezza: 2 cm- 13 g

Vanadinite (polisintetico e galleggiante) - Mibladen, Midelt, Marocco - Altezza: 2.8 cm - Larghezza: 2 cm- 13 g

Watch a video of this specimen by following the Vimeo link below:

Mibladen is known to be a geological anomaly, by far producing the best specimens vanadinite, a quite rare lead vanadate. What is lesser known is the actual wide diversity of crystal habits, growth facies, textures and colours that can be found in Mibladen!

Here is a beautiful selected specimen from an unique and limited find in 2016: it displays an aggregate of heavily polysynthetic-polycrystalline edifices, that I assume to be marker of fast growth in a transitional mode between microcrystalline concretion (that also occurs in Mibladen) and coarse macrocrystals.

You can indeed notice that sharp hexagonal subindividuals are actually stacked along a common C axis. The alternating offset is probably due to deformation accomodating competition growth stress between the contiguous edifices.
Notice also the colour gradient of the crystals, ranging from orangeish red caps to golden orange along prism faces.

Truly a special and unique miniature of vanadinite!

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