Exclusive Ancient Art Auction (Ifergan Collection)

Ifergan Museum & Gallery – Ancient Art is a worldwide reputable gallery: its promoter has assembled one of the best private collections of archeology in Europe. It offers authentic certified works of art from Prehistory, Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt or Per Its main objective is that all lovers of history and archeology have the possibility to possess a piece of history from our past: from high quality museum pieces to pieces for more modest collections, guaranteeing authenticity and maximum quality.

Ifergan Museum & Gallery – Ancient Art is a worldwide reputable gallery: its promoter has assembled one of the best private collections of archeology in Europe. It offers authentic certified works of art from Prehistory, Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt or Per Its main objective is that all lovers of history and archeology have the possibility to possess a piece of history from our past: from high quality museum pieces to pieces for more modest collections, guaranteeing authenticity and maximum quality.

28 objects
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