Photography auction for Liliane Foundation

All proceeds from this auction will go to The Liliane Foundation The Liliane Foundation wants to contribute to a world in which disabled children in the poorest regions of the world can also develop and use their talents. Together with local organisations in Africa, Asia and Latin America, we empower children and make their environment more accessible. In 2015, 90,650 disabled children were supported by the Liliane Foundation. Just for € 143 a child can get a year long medical care that is so much needed. Please participate! Read more on

All proceeds from this auction will go to The Liliane Foundation The Liliane Foundation wants to contribute to a world in which disabled children in the poorest regions of the world can also develop and use their talents. Together with local organisations in Africa, Asia and Latin America, we empower children and make their environment more accessible. In 2015, 90,650 disabled children were supported by the Liliane Foundation. Just for € 143 a child can get a year long medical care that is so much needed. Please participate! Read more on

30 objects
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