Shipping & Pick up
When and how can I set correct shipping costs?

You can set the shipping costs for an object during the submission process for that object.

Smart shipping

If smart shipping is available to you, you can use it to automatically set shipping costs that are up to 35% lower than manual shipping. You won’t pre-pay these costs – we’ll arrange the shipping label for you and will collect costs directly from the buyer. All you need to do is print the label and drop the package off with the shipping company when it’s time to ship. 

When you’re submitting your object, make sure to select the correct package size so the shipping label we provide matches the package size. 

Selecting a custom package size and entering the exact dimensions can help with setting more precise shipping costs, which can attract bidders.

You can also add a small packing and handling fee to cover the costs of things like packing materials.

Manual shipping

If you prefer to set shipping costs yourself, you can use manual shipping. To do this, you can check the website of the shipping company you’ll ship with and use their rates. 

When entering your shipping costs you can include the cost of the shipping label and any insurance you’ve added to your package.

For manual shipping, there’s a limit to how high you can set your shipping costs. This is usually based on the rates of the most common shipping company in your country. 

Shipping costs are important to bidders in deciding whether and how much they’ll bid. So setting fair shipping costs helps attract more bidders, which means you can get the right price for your object. 

Keep in mind, if the actual shipping costs are less than what you enter when submitting your object, you’ll need to refund the buyer any excess shipping costs they paid. Find out more in our Seller Terms.

Pricing options

You can choose to offer free shipping, which usually attracts more bidders. Or for some objects you can offer the option for the buyer to pick up the object.

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