35 objects
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Book Auction (Collections)

Have you always wanted to own a book autographed by your favourite author? Or a first edition of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four? Or J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit? Are you a bibliophile or just really keen on books? Chances are that Catawiki's book auctions has many of the books you've been looking for for years. Every week, Catawiki offers multiple book auctions, where international greats are all represented. From Charles Bukowski to Boudewijn Büch, from Goethe to Voltaire. You too can add these treasured works to your library. Aside from the regular auctions, the book auctions also feature weekly themes, such as nautical books or WWII books. We offer a broad collection of titles from around the world for you to bid on, but you can also offer up books from your collection at auction. Register now for an account with Catawiki and start a new chapter in your collection.