No. 93182445

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Germany, Nürnberg. Franz I. 20 Kreuzer 1761
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6 days ago

Germany, Nürnberg. Franz I. 20 Kreuzer 1761

This coin is a 20 Kreuzer piece minted in 1761 by the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg, a significant historical artifact from the Holy Roman Empire era. The 20 Kreuzer denomination was equivalent to ⅙ of a Thaler, which was a widely used silver coin in Central Europe during this period. Physical Characteristics The coin is made of silver and is in extremely good condition, which significantly enhances its value to collectors. While specific dimensions are not provided, similar coins from this era typically weigh around 6.68 grams. Historical Significance This coin represents a fascinating piece of numismatic history from the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg, which maintained its independence within the Holy Roman Empire from 1219 to 1806. The year 1761 places this coin during the reign of Emperor Franz I, adding to its historical importance. Collector's Value The exceptional condition of this coin makes it particularly desirable to collectors. In numismatics, condition is a crucial factor in determining value, often more so than age alone. An extremely well-preserved coin from this period is relatively rare, which could significantly increase its market value. Grading Consideration Given its described condition, this coin might fall into the higher grades of the numismatic grading scale, possibly in the range of Extremely Fine (EF) to Uncirculated (Unc). However, for an accurate grade and valuation, it would be advisable to have the coin professionally assessed by a reputable coin grading service. This 1761 20 Kreuzer from the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg represents not just a piece of currency, but a tangible connection to the rich history of Central Europe in the 18th century. Its excellent condition makes it a prized item for serious collectors of German states coinage or enthusiasts of Holy Roman Empire era numismatics.

No. 93182445

No longer available
Germany, Nürnberg. Franz I. 20 Kreuzer 1761

Germany, Nürnberg. Franz I. 20 Kreuzer 1761

This coin is a 20 Kreuzer piece minted in 1761 by the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg, a significant historical artifact from the Holy Roman Empire era. The 20 Kreuzer denomination was equivalent to ⅙ of a Thaler, which was a widely used silver coin in Central Europe during this period.
Physical Characteristics
The coin is made of silver and is in extremely good condition, which significantly enhances its value to collectors. While specific dimensions are not provided, similar coins from this era typically weigh around 6.68 grams.
Historical Significance
This coin represents a fascinating piece of numismatic history from the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg, which maintained its independence within the Holy Roman Empire from 1219 to 1806.
The year 1761 places this coin during the reign of Emperor Franz I, adding to its historical importance.
Collector's Value
The exceptional condition of this coin makes it particularly desirable to collectors. In numismatics, condition is a crucial factor in determining value, often more so than age alone. An extremely well-preserved coin from this period is relatively rare, which could significantly increase its market value.
Grading Consideration
Given its described condition, this coin might fall into the higher grades of the numismatic grading scale, possibly in the range of Extremely Fine (EF) to Uncirculated (Unc). However, for an accurate grade and valuation, it would be advisable to have the coin professionally assessed by a reputable coin grading service.
This 1761 20 Kreuzer from the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg represents not just a piece of currency, but a tangible connection to the rich history of Central Europe in the 18th century. Its excellent condition makes it a prized item for serious collectors of German states coinage or enthusiasts of Holy Roman Empire era numismatics.

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