Book Movies, TV & Animation

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  • for user-b4a190c808b7

    Ottima comunicazione. Ottimo l’ imballaggio, molto curato. E l’oggetto è bello. Addirittura la batteria !! Tutto veramente più che ottimo


  • for user-b4a190c808b7

    Oggetto perfetto. Ottimo venditore.


  • for user-b4a190c808b7

    A real pleasure to deal with. Great communication. Perfect packaging and fast shipping. I do recommend! Grazie mille!


  • for user-b4a190c808b7

    Super comunicativo, veloce e prodotto come da descrizione


  • for user-b4a190c808b7

    Fast delivery. The object as described by the seller. So I am satisfied.


  • for user-b4a190c808b7

    Package received in excellent condition, very neatly packed and the cover was well described which made it easy to follow. Good dealer!


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