Most asked
How can I contact the seller?

Contacting the seller has never been easier, and you can do so directly via the following pages:

Of course, the prerequisite to this is that you must first have won an auction, and paid for the item. Only then will the function be available to contact the seller. 

If you have any questions regarding an object in a live auction and need further clarification regarding one or more of its aspects, please click the contact us button below, and we will do our best to ask the question on your behalf. If you do this, please ensure that there is at least 3 days left on the auction, so that we can give the seller ample time to respond.

Some useful advice for contacting the seller after you have won an auction, would be to communicate directly to find out about the delivery status of your order or if you need more information about the shipment.

In general, we advise you to contact the seller in their native language. If this is not possible, then we recommend communicating in English or using an online translator to assist you.

In addition, the following article may also be of use if you are not getting a response from a seller.

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