Brass Soup ladle

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  • for user-99d4d83498aa

    Excelente, rapidez na entrega, muito bem embalado, item em perfeitas condições. 5 estrelas.


  • for user-99d4d83498aa

    Objet correspondant parfaitement à la description. Objet parfaitement emballé et protégé par le vendeur.


  • for user-99d4d83498aa

    Exellent and beautiful item, just like in the pictures. Very well individually wrapped in bubble wrap and paper. Was send right away, fast delivery. I am very happy!


  • for user-99d4d83498aa

    All good!


  • for user-99d4d83498aa

    As described. Many thanks 🙏


  • for user-99d4d83498aa



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