No. 1685179

Paraphernalia; Authentic 'hair' Napoleon Bonaparte
Final bid
€ 2,400
514 weeks ago

Paraphernalia; Authentic 'hair' Napoleon Bonaparte

Tress (of about 4 mm) of none other than Napoleon himself. Louis Mushro of The Manuscript Society confirms this with his signature. Appraised by Sotheby's. The hair is placed in an air-sealed, gilded frame with a paper explaining the background story. Comes with another 3 pages, under which the assessment of authenticity. ¶ According to tradition, the doctor cut the 'hair' on 4 July 1817 and handed it to the English Captain O'Meara who was ordered to guard Napoleon on the island Sint Helena. He was given the assignment to return it to Napoleon's family. Provenance: the hair comes from the famous collection of Margaretta Pierrepont, wife of Edward Pierrepont, president Ulysses S. Grant's procurator-general.

No. 1685179

Paraphernalia; Authentic 'hair' Napoleon Bonaparte

Paraphernalia; Authentic 'hair' Napoleon Bonaparte

Tress (of about 4 mm) of none other than Napoleon himself. Louis Mushro of The Manuscript Society confirms this with his signature. Appraised by Sotheby's. The hair is placed in an air-sealed, gilded frame with a paper explaining the background story. Comes with another 3 pages, under which the assessment of authenticity.

¶ According to tradition, the doctor cut the 'hair' on 4 July 1817 and handed it to the English Captain O'Meara who was ordered to guard Napoleon on the island Sint Helena. He was given the assignment to return it to Napoleon's family.

Provenance: the hair comes from the famous collection of Margaretta Pierrepont, wife of Edward Pierrepont, president Ulysses S. Grant's procurator-general.

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